Barack Obama’s Second Inaugural Address: A Speech For The Ages And A Call To Action!

President Obama has just finished his Second Inaugural Address, and it can be seen as a speech for the ages, and a call to action, far more impressive than his first Inaugural Address four years ago.

He brought up Seneca Falls, New York (women’s rights), Selma, Alabama (civil rights), Stonewall in Manhattan, New York (gay and lesbian rights)!

He brought up climate change, clean energy, immigration reform, protection of children and all Americans from gun violence.

He brought up the Founding Fathers, and our imperfect Union, being made more perfect over time, and with lots of hard work and dedication to making America better!

He spoke of the need to address the crises of entitlements of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and the need to fix them in a responsible way.

He challenged America to come together and take action to make America a better nation that fully promotes equality, social justice, and tolerance for all. In many ways, he sounded like FDR in his Second Inaugural Address!

And he called upon the nation to attempt diplomacy in place of going to war, and sending our military into harm’s way.

It is an ambitious agenda, but it is an inspiring speech that calls for our better nature to prevail!

Let us hope for a better second term for Barack Obama!

15 comments on “Barack Obama’s Second Inaugural Address: A Speech For The Ages And A Call To Action!

  1. wesleymouch January 21, 2013 3:40 pm

    Obama is a tool of corporate interests. He bailed out the banks, the Unions, crony green energy companies who happened to be big contributors. Obamacare represents the interests of Big Pharma and Big Insurance. His totalitarian nature comes out with NDAA. The loser in all of this is the average guy who works (a dying breed) and who does not receive governmnet subsidies. The Progressives (I call them by their true name: Regressives) are closet totalitarians who “know it all” and plan to rule accordingly. Witness the destruction their policies have created.

  2. Juan Domingo Peron January 21, 2013 3:59 pm

    The most divisive speech in modern day history…

  3. Engineer Of Knowledge January 21, 2013 6:37 pm

    Hello Professor,
    Coming from 150 legacy of my family’s history, this is truly a proud moment for all “TRUE AMERICANS!!” The days of the John Birch Society’s legacy is over and will soon die from it’s own extremism.

  4. Engineer Of Knowledge January 21, 2013 6:54 pm

    Hey Professor,
    W. Bush wiped out a $5.6 trillion surplus in two years and the national debt hit $10 Trillion on his watch. Remember how the right wing nut conservatives screamed about that?….Yea guess not because they didn’t.

    Talk about Select-O-Vision.

    The plethora of historical ignorance and nihilistic viewpoints just astounds me. But even more so their propensity to expose it is even more astounding.

  5. Ronald January 22, 2013 1:31 pm

    Come on, Juan, no one is promoting or proposing what this crazy Japanese cabinet member is advocating in Japan! Technically, I am a senior citizen, although I look and act much younger, but to say that the US Government is pushing to refuse end of life care, is to become a Sarah Palin groupie, who speaks without any validity or common sense. If such a policy were to emerge, I would, vigorously, oppose it, and not just for personal reasons, but because it would be promoting mistreatment of the elderly, who we should treasure for their contributions to their families and to the nation at large.

  6. Juan Domingo Peron January 22, 2013 7:30 pm

    Ronald, I was actually thinking of Paul Krugman, you know, the left favorite economist who thinks we should have more debt, stimulus and spending. Here are his brilliant analysis which is full of validity and common sense…
    Also see in a Roundtable discussion on ABC’s “This Week,” Krugman said of what recently came out of the President’s deficit commission, “Some years down the pike, we’re going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes”
    So Ronald, its not me who you should be talking to but Krugman and the government.

  7. Ronald January 22, 2013 8:20 pm

    Well, any such idea is unacceptable, as the idea of “death panels” is reprehensible!

  8. Juan Domingo Peron January 22, 2013 9:08 pm

    Well then we agree. All we have to do is convince the Krugman’s of the world…and hope the bureaucrats can be stopped when they exercise such powers.

  9. Bob January 22, 2013 9:18 pm

    That speech was incredibly divisive. I’m scared about these next four years.

  10. Progressive Girl January 22, 2013 10:10 pm

    I thought it was a very good speech!

  11. Paul Doyle January 23, 2013 8:52 pm

    “Death Panel” was obviously the wrong choice of words and Krugman explained what he meant on “This Week”, but obviously that is not included in the link from Don Juan.
    If I hear anything again about “death panels” from the right …

    Right now, every private health care plan has ways of limiting care and it is being done with almost no guidelines or ethics. I would assume there would be rules followed by a national “death panel” and that these would be far better than anything encountered now by the average insurance client.

    I say average because any celebrity or plutocrat will receive the best treatment available anywhere on earth they want, and always will. Sarah Palin has nothing to worry about. We do.

    By the way, Fox News is not renewing the contract of Sarah Palin. Do they now become part of the “Lamestream Media”?

  12. Ronald January 23, 2013 10:57 pm

    Thanks, Paul, for the clarification on “death panels”. I am delighted to hear that Sarah Palin will not be on Fox News Channel, not that I watch that channel anyway! LOL I just wish she would go away to some island and leave this nation alone, as she is no asset in any form or fashion, just a divider for her own economic benefit!

  13. Paul Doyle January 23, 2013 11:22 pm

    The same network that uses Palin as an authority on issues is the same network that grandstanding whackos like Rand Paul and Ron Johnson used as “sources” for the Benghazi hearings. “President” Rand Paul asking about Turkey gun running and Johnson using a Sean Hand-sanitizer statement about the CIA and State Department watching the attack in “real time”.

    Two pipsqueaks who embarrassed themselves and are part of the thought process of the element of the philosophy of cutting the security budget by 10% in consecutive years and then complaining that the State Department ignored the pleas to provide more security.

    Sort of the like the proverbial story of the child murdering his parents and then throwing himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.
    Pipsqueak Hubris–so endearing! The same philosophy that Don Juan and wesley-mouse above so smugly subscribe.

  14. Ronald January 24, 2013 12:06 am

    Thanks, Paul, for your observations. I have found that some people engage in name calling and insults toward me and my ideas, rather than have respect, and argue based on valid information and evidence. I just wrote one who I refused to publish, and said if he would treat a person he disagrees with in a dignified and respectful manner, rather than using foul or inappropriate language, I would publish him, as I have done, with great tolerance, many who I disagree with, but I will not publish anyone who engages in character attacks. I really appreciate you, Engineer of Knowledge, Maggie and others, who conduct themselves in a proper manner, and give me hope in the future of humanity!

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