The Conservative Political Action Conference will be held in mid March in Maryland near Washington, DC, a city that most conservatives hate, because it represents “Big” government.
Among the “distinguished” speakers at CPAC will be the following Republican “luminaries”:
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Former Florida Congressman Allen West
National Rifle Association Vice President Wayne La Pierre
Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan
House Majority Leader, Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia
Florida Senator Marco Rubio
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
And the person who will close the conference is newly minted Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Realize that this incomplete list above includes a multitude of potential Presidential candidates, including all but Palin, West, La Pierre, and Cantor. And even Palin and West are delusional enough, that who can say they will not be announced candidates for President?
It should be an entertaining conference!
I just cannot help thinking how odd it is that some minorities such as Marco Rubio, Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Susana Martinez and tens of thousands of other conservatives are somehow deemed less authentic than elite whites who merely profess a particular sort of empathy for minorities.
I thought I heard this week that former presidental candidate Williard Mitt Romney would be the Keynote speaker for this convention. I would also like to know if Ann Coultier and Rush Limbaugh will be on the agenda this week. Well maybe not Rush anymore since he is now on record as saying he is “ashamed” of his country now for the first time….That may disqualify him…..
Taylor, the news about Mitt Romney came after I wrote this, but I believe he is appearing, but that Ted Cruz, the new Joseph McCarthy and Allen West, is their big “star”. As far as Rush Limbaugh, who knows? But he might prefer to just comment on the conference to his brainwashed followers!