In the latest USA Today-Pew Research Center Poll, President Barack Obama scores 51 percent, Democrats in Congress 37 percent, and Republicans in Congress 25 percent.
This happens at a time when public opinion backs Obama on the budget, gun laws, and immigration reform.
And the Tea Party Republicans only add to the problems of the GOP, as well as the National Rifle Association targeting Republicans in primaries for 2014, including the one Senator still regarded as a “moderate” by most political observers to her detriment, Maine Senator Susan Collins.
So, after having lost five of the last six Presidential elections in popular votes, and only winning 2000 with the intervention of the Supreme Court, the Republicans looks more than ever self destructive and on the road to oblivion!
I sure hope you are right. Those gun toting tea bagging fools are a frightening breed…..
LOL! Of course Republicans lost and will continue to lose Presidential elections as long as they nominate Republican establishment “me-too” big government moderate candidates. The only time the Republicans had a true conservative candidate , who was clear in his philosophy, and was not afraid to say ” I am a conservative”, was Ronald Reagan. And what happened then? Democrat lost in a landslide. So the Democrats have nothing to fear as long as the Bush, the McCain, the Boehner, the Lindsay Graham, the Romney, the Christie and the Rove types control the party as your post clearly indicates. After all who does the left and the “Pravda” media attack more? The so-called RINO’s or the Reagan conservative tea party types? The answer of course teaches us who the left and media fear the most. And it’s not the RINO’s. So the Democrats will keep on winning as long as the RINO keep putting their candidates up for elections. But who knows, maybe just maybe the conservatives regain control of the party like in the 80’s and just maybe the Republicans nominate a solid conservative candidate. Someone who is able to turn around the left’s narrative and not afraid to by-pass the media speaking directly to the American people. Someone who controls the narrative and beats the left at their own game and is not always on the defensive, something which after all is really not that difficult.
Ok, Juan, who do you say is the next Ronald Reagan? Paul Ryan? Rand Paul? Ted Cruz? Rick Santorum? Marco Rubio? Who is the “knight in shining armor” among the conservatives today, seriously? Do any of the above come anywhere near Reagan’s ability to communicate and exude charm at the same time? I would say there is NO ONE on the horizon like Reagan, but then you glorify Reagan in office when he was EXTREMELY contradictory in what he said and did, and right wingers have created a mythical Reagan. So I challenge you to give a legitimate answer among those now in politics!
I really don’t know. I don’t have the crystal ball. Of course there will not be another Reagan nor is it necessary for there to be one. What I do know is that refuting progressive leftist arguments with conservative/classic liberal one’s are not that difficult. All that is needed is a solid conservative candidate who doesn’t need to memorize what to say to “sound” conservative, like the RINO do. Who that may be? I don’t know, he might not even be in politics yet. But the problem with the so called “moderates” is that they could be a nice guy, a war hero, but if they really do not understand liberty, the philosophical reasons of why government should be limited, the fact that free market capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any government designed plan and that in the end our ideals are for you, the individual , for all people no matter what race or gender, that you are not a mass but a unique human being that should not be put in a one fit all system , whether it be healthcare or whatever post-constitutional design the masterminds from Washington decide you should fit in, then they will always lose as they have been losing since Reagan. When we have someone who can simply articulate the benefits of being free, then it will be easier.In other words, someone authentic. Just look at Obama, he is a true believer in big government, he may not say it, might even say the contrary,but his acts speak differently. His natural reaction for any problem is a government program. And Obama is at his best when he speaks the progressive language, the community organizer line. So going back to the conservative/classic liberal issue, every single argument the left makes is so easy to counter. Take for example gun control law. The President says, the “overwhelming majority” wants gun control. Well instead of discussing whether or not this or that law violates the Second Amendment, just go ahead and propose a new amendment defining exactly what you believe the overwhelming majority of Americans want. Put it in there.. no “assault weapons , no this and that , only for hunting etc, whatever the President and the left wants. And let the people in each state decide. If they are for it, then end of the discussion. Just like when they limited the reelection to two terms,and all the other amendments. If the people want it, like you say, go for it. And that would be the end of the discussion. And if the left refuses to do so, then all one has to do is ask why? Simple.
I find it interesting, Juan, that with all your articulate nature and intelligence, you cannot come up with a NAME of ANYONE, so you are really admitting we shall not see another idealized Reagan in any reasonable time period.
Ron; First of all I do not idealize Reagan. You should know that we as conservative/classic liberals do not believe than any man is perfect. So Reagan was perfect and neither was his government, but the thing is , if you compare it to the ones that came afterwards and many before it, his government excelled. In any event, all human beings are unique therefore there can never be another Reagan, or Kennedy for that matter. But since you insist, I believe, as Van Jones astutely pointed out, that probably the most dangerous politician for the left now is Marco Rubio. See: and In any event, you guys, the progressive left will tell us. All we have to do is pay attention who the media, and the Progressive/Democrats attack viciously in the coming years. Already some pre-emptive attacks are being launched towards some, like Rubio, Cruz, and I believe in the near future should he decide to go into politics, Dr. Ben Carson will be vilified. Now he would really drive not only the left mad but also the NAAPCP (National Association for the Advancement of “Progressive” Colored People).
Typo: “So Reagan WASN’T perfect and neither was his government…”
I realized your typo, and laughed. Dr Ben Carson came to my professor friend’s college to speak, and my friend said he was totally obnoxious, spoiled, privileged in his personality and approach to people while at the college. This type of behavior will not work with the American people. He may be a great surgeon, but he should stick to medicine, and stop trying to promote his own egotism, which was very apparent to my friend, who is NOT a political type as I am, but he said Carson exuded arrogance!