Talk of an armed revolution being likely in the near future against the government of Barack Obama is really terrifying, as the lunatic fringe on Talk Radio, Fox News Channel, the Koch Brothers, the American Family Association, and other right wing groups, is building up the idea of such violence, and the Republican Party leadership, instead of condemning such lunacy, is actually encouraging it with their rhetoric and, often, complete silence. 44 percent in a recent poll of Republicans stated the belief in an armed revolution to preserve freedom in America!
How can a reputable political party stay silent in the face of such extremism, and expect normal, sane people to look at them in a respectable way?
The idea of bloodshed and violence has never been more likely, particularly with the issues of gun regulations, immigration, gay rights, and abortion rights all being hotly debated and promoting division.
It is ironic, though, that the talk of revolution comes from the South and the Great Plains and Mountain States, the areas with lots of land but few people, and the idea that the GOP would back secession and armed revolution, when that was what caused them to be born in the 1850s as an opposition to such extremism, is mind boggling!
There are more patriot and militia groups than at any time since the mid 1990s, and the concern about widespread bloodshed is very worrisome.
One wonders what will happen when Barack Obama leaves the Presidency in 2017, with the early likelihood of Hillary Clinton replacing him. Will that tone down the rhetoric, when one considers the right wing attacks against her when she was First Lady, and her husband was subjected to vicious character assassination?
A woman in the White House is unlikely to tone down the massive split that we see in our nation, and the likelihood of long term dangers to our national security from these right wing groups is at least as great as the threat from Muslim terrorism!
Actually the poll conducted by Farleigh Dickenson University found that 29% of registered voters agreed with the statement, “In the next few years, an armed revolution MIGHT be necessary in order to protect our liberties.” 47% said they disagreed, 18% said they neither agreed nor disagreed, 5 % said they were unsure, and 1 percent refused to respond.
Results of the poll show that those who believe a revolution might be necessary differ greatly along party lines:
18 % of Democrats
27 % of Independents
44 % of Republicans
The poll found that 38 % of Americans who believe a revolution might be necessary support additional gun control legislation compared to 62 % of those who don’t think an armed revolt will be needed.
I think it is important to note that the 29% who agree with the statement in no way support the idea of armed revolution. They simply agree with the poll question. And that is a big difference. Furthermore, its 44% of the 29% who agree with that statement or 18% of the 29% if you are looking at Democrats. So its not 44% of all Republicans, its only of those 29% who agree with the statement. The bottom line is that the chances for an armed revolution are extremely small because the chances of the government going gun grabbing are equally slim. The poll (
Thanks, Juan, for trying to make the best out of a disturbing statistic overall. I am glad you are not one of those who believes in such a crazy and scary concept! But there are people in this country who are very dangerous and violent, and not all from the left as some think, but more from the right!
Yes Professor, and I have found that most of that 44% cannot demonstrate proficiency in 7th grade math. Many cannot even perform correctly the 4th grade math problem of 1/4 decided by 1/2 equals…..? This is why they are so easily misled until their lunicy has cost the Republican Party elections in recent times. This is why Karl Rove sees the need to purge them from the ranks……and good riddance!
Hello Professor, Damn smart phone and it”s autocorrect. The 4th grade math problem is….1/4 divided by 1/2…? Maybe Juan would like to take a try on this one ?
Of course you have to show your work in fractional form.
Guess I’d better stock up on tanks, drones, etc. to protect my family from these loony Republicans!
I listened to some of Sarah Palin’s speech at the NTA… Until I just couldn ‘t stand her lunacy.
I do believe the woman thinks she’s Joan of Arc leading the people into the revolution against the goverment and the “main stream media”.
She grts more screwy each time she get out in front of a crowd!
Hello Maggie,
I caught a little bit of that Scteeching Shrew Sarah Palin’s speech at the NRA convention on the news this morning. What a screwball!
As you well know, Delaware’s Republican Party is still in a death spiraling vortex from electing Christine O’Donnell for the Senate seat. She lost so badly and she brought down the rest of the Republican Party in that election.
Talking about the main stream media. Here are some of the things the networks deemed more important than covering the trial of an abortionist standing trial for multiple of murder. I wonder why?
WARNING: Graphic Imagery ( )
The Kermit Gosnell Story has enraged and disgusted those Americans who have heard about the abortion provider’s practices.
But, it’s pretty obvious that most Americans have no idea who Kermit Gosnell is or the fact that he’s currently on trial for killing infants who have been delivered alive, all thanks to the main stream media’s bias towards the liberal agenda, especially when the issue is abortion, a true “sacrament” is for liberals.
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Juan, as you know, I wrote about Kermit Gosnell on April 15, and agree it is abhorrent what he did.
Ron, of course I know you did, and that we agree that this guy is a monster. But I just cannot come to grips at the medias attitude towards the case. I mean, for example, if you compare it to the Casey Anthony or the Travon Martin cases the difference in exposure and coverage is truly disturbing.
The most distressing thing is that we have a president that in his effort to devide people has fostered a climate where such thoughts are becoming more common.
Nope, Dave. It’s the GOP who is dividing the nation. Sorry you are blind to that. Good day to you.
This guy cannot even give an uplifting commencement speech without making it about himself and whining, wake up people.
Agree to disagree. Very uplifting speech by our Pres! 🙂