Jesus Christ, who was Jewish and never a Christian, preached love, tolerance, understanding, open mindedness, and other good thoughts, and offered himself as a way to unify mankind in the Middle East.
If he were here in the world today, and in America, he would be shocked at what many Republicans, conservatives, and right wing religious leaders have done to distort his loving message of unity.
We could call what has happened as making Jesus a Republican with all of the views that party now has in 2013!
These include the following, in the view of Right Wing Republicans and their allies, but NOT, of course, the truth, but rather propaganda!
Jesus is white and is certainly not color blind.
Jesus is a big supporter of the Confederacy, and can justify the past existence of slavery and racial segregation as factors which had a purpose to “organize” society.
Jesus loves guns, and they are to be owned to protect against evil forces out to undermine the faith.
Jesus loves the rich, the wealthy, and the top two percent, who are “achievers”.
Jesus hates poor people, who deserve what they get, the denial of food stamps, a safety net, and Medicaid.
Jesus hates gay people, and therefore created AIDS and STDs to punish those sinners.
Jesus believes that women are to be controlled by men, and denied control over their own destiny, and treated as subservient to the demands of men.
Jesus hates Muslims, who are all “evil”, and deserve to be killed in mass numbers as “nonbelievers”.
Jesus hates liberals and progressives, who are connected to the devil, and there is to be no compromise with them, and that also includes conservatives who say they are “moderates’.
Jesus hates science, because it challenges the beliefs of religion.
This is the mindset of right wing Republicans, and a danger to the future of America if it ever gained control of all branches of government. NONE of the above is the truth about Jesus!
As it is, the control of the House of Representatives, and many state governments and Governors, has led to the greatest division since the Civil War!
There is a need for devout Christians who understand the loving message of their savior to reclaim him from the hate mongers!
The author wishes to thank the website ADDICTINGINFO.ORG and Sherri Yarbrough for the ideas that led to this blog entry!
Great entry Professor Feinman! 🙂
Thanks, Maggie! Not easy to write, but sadly so true, and a distortion of the message of Jesus! Religion should promote love, not hate and intolerance!
Hello Professor,
If you truly think about Jesus’s life, he was crucified because he was too radical for the conservative Pharisees. This is why he was put to death, he was too much of a threat with the liberal aspects of his preachings.
I have also decided to post a link to one of my old writings from my site. It is in regards to what some of the fanatical, evangelicals call, “The Full Quiver Project.” Very scary stuff from those who would want to run this country.
Thanks, Engineer Of Knowledge, for your link! Much appreciated!
Hello Professor,
I also wanted to pass this bit of information to you more intelligent readers.
The great and revered Republican Lee Atwater, the one whose deplorable political tactics that are still being utilized by others today within the Tea Party / Extreme Right Republicans, died at the young age of 40 years old. On his last days before dying of his brain cancer tumor, called those whom he lied about and spread damaging rumors because he needed to clean his soul and clear his conscience before he died. He knew, at the core of his basic soul, he had done wrong and sinned against others. He knew he needed to make piece with God before he died.
When Lee Atwater appeared on the PBS Frontline program (you know that Liberal Network Programming) as his means to apologize to the nation through the mass media he is quoted as saying:
“I was wrong to follow the meanness of Conservatism. I should have been trying to help people instead of taking advantage of them. I don’t hate anyone anymore. For the first time in my life I don’t hate somebody. I have nothing but good feelings toward people.â€
Maybe those of the fanatic right wing should take note and emulate the lessons that Lee Atwater finally learned in the end. To those Tea Party / Extreme Right Wing Republicans, those who live by HATE instead of COMPASSION.
What a wonderful statement by you, Engineer, and a very telling comment by Lee Atwater!
There is a saying, “what goes around comes around”, and the meanness and hate and prejudice of the political and religious Right will be repaid by the Almighty God that judges people’s character at the end of their lives, and I would rather have a kind heart and a sensitivity to others than promote selfishness, greed, and the acquiring of obscene levels of wealth for the purpose of simply HAVING, rather than doing good deeds for others on a daily basis, including the way one treats others who are not powerful and wealthy!
Professor. I should also add that I spent about an hour and a half speaking one on one with Jack Kemp about my concerns of how the Republican Party was nurturing this hate rhetoric to win and secure elections. I told him the Party would one day regret doing this as I was sure it would turn on itself attacking those whom were not as extreme. Of course where I was talking since, multinational corporations were handing over large sums of money buying their influence. To paraphrase the old saying, money talks while sanity walks. This was about 10 years ago….but time has proven me correct.
With reference to wealth….it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven. Let’s see….where did I hear that from? 🙂
Jesus hates no one. He came to save us, the sinners. Even those who don’t realize they sin.
Conservatives believe in a color blind society, leftist liberal do not. Leftist liberal thrive on racial discord and cannot allow it to end. Liberals live in a permanent fictitious Jim Crow era.
Conservatives believe in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, therefore they do not and have not supported the Confederacy , slavery or segregation. Conservatives biggest hero is Abe Lincoln. The first Progressive President Democrat Woodrow Wilson, was a racist and segregationist. Progressive icon Margaret Sanger hated black and all other “inferior creatures” .
Conservatives believe that the right to defend ones life is unalienable. So it is not the love of guns but the love of your loved ones and well as your life that is defended. Liberals would rather see there loved ones slaughtered rather than defend them. No wonder leftist liberals support the right to postpartum abort (kill) an innocent feeling viable child.
Conservatives don’t love the rich, they just do not believe in hating anyone for their success and hard labor.The left constantly divide and hate, rich v poor, white v black, women v men, etc etc.
Conservatives don’t hate the poor, quite the contrary they want the poor to stop being poor. And the best way to achieve that is through free market capitalism with bring growth and diminishes poverty. Leftist liberals hate the poor because they live off the poor politically. The left does not nor have ever ended poverty, not a single government program has ever ended poverty, but quite the contrary ,they have prolonged it and worsen poverty. America’s inner cities speak for themselves. Thank leftist liberal Democrats for their destruction!
Conservatives don’t hate gays. Even those who believe they are sinners, and most conservatives don’t, say hate the sin, but love the sinners. It is the left that hates those who don’t agree with their worldview, as the left constantly demonstrates it.
Conservatives don’t hate women, it is the left that demonizes and hates any woman who is not a leftist liberal.
Conservatives don’t hate Muslims, conservatives just believe in the right to defend ourselves, in this case against “Radical extreme Islamists”. It is the Islamist who hate Christians, Jews , America , Israel and anyone who is an infidel. The left as always sides with the extreme Islamist. One just has to look back at the left’s reaction to 9/11 or anytime Israel defends itself to see where the left stands.
Conservatives don’t hate progressive, they just think most are misguided and wrong. They do think that leftist ideology is in essence based on hate, thus it can only engender evil.The left on the other hand hate conservatives because they are convinced our intentions are evil.
Finally conservatives don’t hate science, they just distrust fanatics of a cause. Conservatives believe in freedom, free markets and the Rule of law, all essential elements for the advancement of science and the progress for society that comes along with it. It is the left that wants to destroy those essential elements that allow for progress. Just look at the countries governed by decades of leftism.
Great post Professor!
Boo @ Guano’s droppings!
Part 1 of 3-part series about difference between liberals and progressives:
Part 2 of 3-part series about difference between liberals and progressives:
Part 3 of 3-part series about difference between liberals and progressives:
Thanks, Princess Leia, for these links!
I went to a Tea Party re-enactment of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth. All 56 signers were there including Jesus and his 12 disciples. ; )
Welcome back, Paul! I have missed you, and hope you will contribute more to the blog with your perceptive and humorous comments! LOL hahaha