Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner was forced out of office in 2011 after a sexting scandal online, including photos of his private parts. Many thought that was the end of his political career, if for nothing else than stupidity, and disloyalty to his new wife, who was pregnant at the time.
Weiner apologized profusely to his wife, and said he was going to get professional help to overcome his behavior.
Then, suddenly, he decided to enter the NYC Mayoral race this year, claiming he had been reformed, and that he wanted to serve the city, and his ratings in polls soared, due partially to people knowing who he was, and many wanting to give him another chance, due to the belief in redemption. He was even ahead in some polls for the NYC Democratic primary.
But now, news has emerged of continued sexting and sending of nude pictures of his private parts, and extremely racy language used by Weiner, and NOT from before his resignation from Congress, but occurring in 2012, a year AFTER his resignation, after so called psychological help was sought, and his wife and he had their son!
So, in other words, nothing has changed, as Weiner is unable to control his impulses, has been disloyal to his wife again, overlooked his responsibilities to his son, and is a true embarrassment to himself and the city he claims to want to govern responsibly!
How in the world can Weiner be a legitimate, credible Mayor if he cannot control his impulses, even after resignation and humiliation two years ago?
This man is sick, and needs real, substantial help, as his behavior is self destructive, and we cannot be confident that he would not get involved in similar sexting or other sex scandals as Mayor of the largest city in America, often called the second toughest job in America, after the Presidency!
It is time for Anthony Weiner to back out of the race for NYC Mayor, and get the help he needs, and try to save his marriage and the stability his son needs! He would be a disgrace to NYC as Mayor, no matter what his capabilities!
And if he does not withdraw, the intelligent people of the Democratic Party in NYC need to send him the message of repudiation, which will finally send him to private life, where he belongs permanently!
I really do not like to judge people because of their personal private preferences no matter how disgusting and weird they are for me personally. And I understand perfectly what you say, but I sometimes wonder if such personal “flaws” really hamper someone’s ability to govern. Bear in mind I am ideologically at the other end of Weiner, I do not agree with his views at all, I find them as nauseating and as repulsive as his tweets and perverted habits. But I ask myself if such personal issues really affect his or anyone’s capacity to work. On the other hand I look at him and his wife standing there like and poor idiot and I also wonder, is the addiction to power so strong for these individuals, not only Weiner but his wife, that they would go through all this “embarrassment” just for a chance to be at the “top”? I think that attitude is more troubling that his perverted tweets.
I think that the idea of his wife standing there and saying it is their private matter is totally wrong! Do you or I or anyone want a MAYOR to be constantly accused of SEXTING in office, which takes away time and energy from him doing his job? If a person has that poor a judgment as Weiner has, and cannot control his behavior, which it is clear he cannot, then he is unfit for office, as he will spend more time having to react to the accusations than doing his job. And what kind of role model is he for young people, basically encouraging them to do what he has done, and has never grown out of, which one would expect of someone past his youth, his 20s, when it is “alright” to be a “jerk” and do stupid, inane things! But a 48 year old man? Give me a break!
Oh I agree totally with you. But I sometimes wonder when you say role models, what role models is the culture actually promoting? I would not want someone like Weiner as a mayor, but what about the millions of “weirdos” that sex-text? Do you think the “jerks” in their 20’s don’t identify with Weiner? I find this all disturbing and repulsive. But if the voters stick with him in the primary, then that would be even worse! I am not a “moral” crusader, but we all know what ultimately leads to the decline of great civilizations, and that worries me.
If the city of New York goes ahead and elects Weiner Mayor, it will make the largest city in America the laughing stock of the nation. Morality DOES matter, when it comes to public office, in my view. This man is a nightmare, an egotist par excellence, with horrible judgment and morals, and I gather when he was a Congressman, he was the worst possible boss of his staff imaginable, and that is not what we need in the Mayoralty. He would make a horrific Mayor with his personality, his intolerance of his staff, and his moral lapses. God forbid that he advances in the primary, and if he does, I will be ashamed of the city I grew up in and near, and also, the Democratic Party!
I agree Professor.