The Tragedy Of September 11 Twelve Years Later: We Are Afraid, Even In Face Of A Threat!

This Wednesday, we will mark 12 years since the horrifying events of September 11, 2001. and we reach that date in a divided country, basically afraid to stand for principle and against terror and mass murder by means outlawed in 1925.

Barack Obama seems unlikely to gain support for punishment against Syria’s government for using chemical warfare against its own civilian population.

Congress is playing politics and fear–the Republicans using politics and the Democrats fear—and we are about to sit back and allow violation of international law and respect for ethics and morality to be seen as insignificant.

This will reverberate in a very negative fashion, and it is highly likely we will face a greater threat from Iran or North Korea in the future, by our refusal to take a strong stand, and emasculating the Presidency of the United States, which will create long term damage!

It is certain that we will regret what is happening, and there is still time to change course, but it looks as if it will require a miracle!

For the future of our nation, let us hope at the last minute that politics and fear will be replaced by principle, courage, and resolve!

30 comments on “The Tragedy Of September 11 Twelve Years Later: We Are Afraid, Even In Face Of A Threat!

  1. Jane Doe September 9, 2013 8:44 am

    Well said Professor!

  2. Ronald September 9, 2013 9:57 am

    Let us hope, Princess Leia, that this is so, and if that is the case, Barack Obama will look like what he is–a courageous, principled leader with a sense of ethics and morals, relating to chemical warfare!

  3. Maggie September 9, 2013 10:13 am

    Thanks Princess Leia for bringing this to our attention!

  4. Maggie September 9, 2013 12:20 pm

    My thought all along: President Obama is shrewd and brilliant!
    Another observation was the interview with Assad this weekend. Watching that man, his body language, facial expressions, intonation of his speech I came to the conclusion that he is actually worried President Obama means business. He was denying any involvement with the chemical weapons but it was clearly apparent he was lying and really hoping to convinnce the world but was not at all as convincing as he hoped to be. When asked what he would do if Syria is attacked he warned, “to ecpect everything and anything”. But watching him utter those words he appeared to me to actually be frightened!
    Now we have Russia stepping in telling Assad that Syria place it’s chemical weapons under control of outside world organizations. Doesn’t this indicate Russia is now very worried about the US bombing Syria.
    I think Obama was brilliant in kicking this ball into the laps of congress. It’s bought him time which is actually starting to really worry Assad wondering Will the US attack or not?

  5. Rustbelt Democrat September 9, 2013 7:19 pm

    Putin (in Godfather voice): I made him an offer he can’t refuse.

  6. Ronald September 9, 2013 8:07 pm

    Jane Doe, thanks for the laugh! LOL hahahaha

  7. Ronald September 10, 2013 12:16 pm

    You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, Jane Doe, and I had planned to write on this fact, but am waiting to make sure it really happens! This author beat me to the punch! 🙂

  8. Ronald September 10, 2013 12:55 pm

    Princess Leia, it is amazing that we have a number of total morons in Congress, and three of them together in one place, embarrassing themselves and America! (head shaking)!

  9. Eugene September 10, 2013 4:10 pm

    So we now have had over a week of pure blundering incompetence (or do we?) on full display from this administration yet as always the faithful can only see greatness. But now I have reached a point when this reaction from the faithful ones does not produce a shred of contempt or incredulity. It is now ridiculously hilarious! Just reading how liberals desperately try to elevate the most “incompetent”, “in over his head”, arrogant President we probably ever had into greatness is pure entertainment .In the words of Norman Podhoretz this has been the “Obama’s Successful Foreign Failure” moment! LOL!
    Seriously now. Liberals try to praise Obama but they really don’t now how to nor what they are praising. To any good hearted american this display of American decline in influence and power is troubling. Yet it is what Obama has always wanted and promoted since day one of his Presidency. After all, it’s just not fair that America is so powerful and rich! I quote: ” Summing up the net effect of all this, as astute a foreign observer as Conrad Black can flatly say that, “Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and before that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as we are witnessing with the United States.”
    Yet if this is indeed the pass to which Mr. Obama has led us—and I think it is—let me suggest that it signifies not how incompetent and amateurish the president is, but how skillful. His foreign policy, far from a dismal failure, is a brilliant success as measured by what he intended all along to accomplish. The accomplishment would not have been possible if the intention had been too obvious. The skill lies in how effectively he has used rhetorical tricks to disguise it.”
    Thus liberals are praising Obama as brilliant yet they have no clue as to why! And this is even more hilarious!

  10. Rustbelt Democrat September 10, 2013 8:24 pm

    Lulz! You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that Russia and Syria are responding the way they are because they finally realized that President Obama means business. Any one who is trying to spin this as some genius offer from Putin, because he is a man of peace, is either a total idiot or a propagandist spin doctor consumed with hatred of President Obama.

  11. Princess Leia September 10, 2013 9:32 pm

    Great speech by the Pres tonight! 🙂

  12. Ronald September 11, 2013 12:32 am

    Thanks, Rustbelt Democrat, for pointing out in your description above exactly what is the truth about people like Eugene, who would complain because Barack Obama breathes air. They will give him no credit for ANYTHING, and twist and distort reality and the truth!

  13. Jane Doe September 11, 2013 10:15 am

    I think what we are seeing is a demonstration of what Teddy Roosevelt meant when he said: “Speak softly, and carry a big stick.” The president’s speech last night was a masterful display of how the Commander in Chief can use his powers effectively without taking the nation to war.

  14. Ronald September 11, 2013 10:18 am

    What a wonderful analysis, Jane Doe! Obama has been compared already to JFK, Ike, and Wilson, and now you add TR to the list! We are fortunate to have Obama in the White House!

  15. Ronald September 11, 2013 2:35 pm

    Isn’t it amazing how the right wing, including Eugene, is ready to attack constantly, and yet once the President speaks, the public sees the rational, intelligent manner he has, and then they show their support for his approach!

    But we have Rand Paul and libertarian advocates who live in a parallel universe, and do not grasp that Ayn Rand is not someone to be taken seriously, even though Paul Ryan and Rand Paul and others think she was a genius, which demonstrates just how clueless they are!

  16. Ronald September 11, 2013 8:52 pm

    Emotarian is an interesting term! LOL Obama is a pragmatic Progressive and Liberal, and that is what makes him a realist and someone to believe in! Too far to the left or right is bad, because no compromise is possible, when one has all the answers, or thinks he or she does!

  17. Ronald September 11, 2013 11:26 pm

    This is an excellent site, Princess Leia! Thanks!

  18. Jane Doe September 12, 2013 9:19 am

    This is a site I’ve enjoyed for reading headlines but they haven’t updated in a while.

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