It has been nine months since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, and 8,250 Americans have been killed by gun violence!
This is more than the 4,000 dead in the Iraq War and the 2,000 killed in the Afghanistan War combined over the past decade!
And what just happened in the DC Navy Yard on Monday is just another example of the tragedy, that nothing is being done to react to this massive loss of life!
What does this say about our society?
It says we are a very sick society, and have an unwillingness to do anything about the loss of human life on such a scale, about 900 a month on the average!
How can anyone be otherwise than ashamed and troubled, about this carnage?
This is scary.
Yes, Jane Doe, I saw this, and I fear for the life of our President every day. This has gone too far, and this wing nut needs to be arrested, tried, convicted, and put away for life as a “clear and present danger” to our President and our government. He has gone much too far! This is pure treason!
Hello Professor,
I know this is off topic but I had to comment and pass this on.
Pope Francis recently announced that the Catholic Church should not allow its bans on gay marriage, abortion and contraception to dominate its teachings, but must be a more welcoming Church where priests are understanding pastors and not cold, dogmatic bureaucrats.
Imagine that, the head of the Catholic Church suggests to stop the bashing and hate mongering on subjects such as Gays, Abortion and Birth Control.
Pope Francis’s reference to the concentration of the church’s efforts on theses issues with such negative rhetoric will bring down the Church like a “house of cards.”
Pope went onto say, “Instead get back to the teachings of Jesus”…..what a radical concept for many of the Religious Conservatives today.
In essence I would say the Pope’s message is, “Get away from the medieval mindset way of thinking but, recognize and accept the times we are living in today.
The “Age of Enlightenment’s Renaissance” is upon us….and none too soon.
As I have often said, “Extreme Right Conservativism” has no longevity and will parish from its own reactionary misguided principles.
Yes, Engineer, it is wonderful what the Pope is doing, and it is time for the Republican Party, Conservatives, and the Evangelical Right to stop promoting hate and prejudice, and I plan to write on this topic soon! Thanks so much!
I heard that yet another shooting has happened. 13 people shot at a park last evening in Chicago by someone with a military-style assault weapon. Appeared to be gang related.
Yes, we live in an insane world, with a “war” going on, killing more than our foreign military interventions!