It is amazing how Republicans, Conservatives, and many so called “religious” people fail to understand what they are doing by working to destroy ObamaCare, and to make massive cuts in the Food Stamp program.
Lack of food promotes bad health, and lack of health care promotes wide spread illnesses and early death.
It also promotes a sense of desperation and depression, and the development of mental illness, as fear of not having enough food to eat creates insecurity in children, as well as adults, and the ultimate reality is that when people are denied basic needs out of a desire to punish those who are poor, down and out, degraded, it leads to widespread violence, which affects all of the rest of society.
How nasty, how mean spirited, how uncaring, can people be, so as not to care about people starving, losing all dignity and hope?
Ultimately, the rest of society suffers, and it makes America a place that we cannot be proud of, as a result!
NO ONE should be told to go hungry in a nation that sees itself as a model for other nations!