The Senate filibuster used to be employed to prevent civil rights legislation, with South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond becoming infamous for the longest individual filibuster in Senate history in 1957 on that subject. Thurmond does not look very good in history due to his prejudiced, narrow minded stand on that topic.
Now Senator Rand Paul has used the filibuster tactic months ago to protest drone policy on foreign soil, and a crazy fear that drones would be used against Americans on domestic soil.
And Senator Ted Cruz is right this minute using the filibuster to attempt to destroy ObamaCare, denying millions of Americans the opportunity to have decent health care.
Neither Paul from months ago, and Cruz today, are going to change American policy, as the President will use drones only overseas, as a measure of defense and security policy against terrorists, including Americans who fight for the enemy; and ObamaCare will proceed, no matter what Cruz says or does.
But in the process, only the loonies on the extreme right will rally to either Paul or Cruz, and the Tea Party movement may have impact in the House of Representatives and with a few Senators, but both men are self destructing before our eyes by their own words and actions! If the GOP is nuts enough to nominate either of these characters for President, they will get what they deserve, a walloping defeat in 2016!