Day: September 27, 2013

Ted Cruz Stirs Republican Opposition Even In Texas From Senator John Cornyn And Governor Rick Perry!

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is rapidly becoming a pariah in the Republican Party, and even from fellow Texas politicians!

The senior Senator, John Cornyn, a strong conservative, bailed ship from Cruz days ago, and now Texas Governor Rick Perry, who could be a rival for Cruz for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination, has also criticized the tactics and the methods used by Cruz to glorify himself, making clear that he is not interested in the survival of the Republican Party, but only his own advancement.

Cruz is becoming persona non grata among fellow Republicans in the Senate, and even in the House among many Tea Party Republicans.

Cruz is rapidly becoming a comet that is burning out, and yet he will strike out in vicious terms against any and all critics, as this is Ted Cruz personified—a demagogue, an egomaniac, who will stop at nothing, much like his look alike, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy!