Day: October 17, 2013

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan: You Have Disqualified Yourself From The Presidency By Refusing To Uphold The Payment Of Government Debts!

Memo to Senator Ted Cruz of Texas; Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky; Senator Marco Rubio of Florida; and Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan:

You have all disqualified yourselves from becoming President by refusing to uphold the payment of government debts, when the ultimate moment of decision came yesterday, October 16, in the US Senate and US House of Representatives!

The four of you are considered so called front runners for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016, but by doing what you have done, you have put into the forefront such contenders as:

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush
Governor John Kasich of Ohio

It is not as if these governors and former governors are ideal choices, as none of them are such, but they have known what it is to govern a state, and they are not looney enough as you have been, to do something which would undermine the nation and the world economy, as you demonstrated in your irresponsible vote.

So goodbye to all four of you, and have a good time associating with the Tea Party Traitors to America!

20 Women Senators Work Together, Vote Together On Government Shutdown And Debt Ceiling! Why Can’t The Women In The House Of Representatives Do The Same?

It is amazing to behold, but the 20 women in the US Senate get along well, cooperate on many issues, and the 16 Democrats and 4 Republicans all were against the government shutdown and voted to prevent a government bankruptcy yesterday.

The same could not be said about Republican women in the House of Representatives, most of whom voted to let the country go bankrupt—including Michele Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, and Virginia Foxx.

These women and other GOP House members who are female, are a disgrace to their gender and to their nation, and one can only wish that they would all go the way of Michele Bachmann, who has decided not to run for reelection, knowing she is under investigation for corruption, and would have a tough time, in any case, getting reelected.

When one sees any of these three women and others as well, it is noted that they never shut up for a minute to let someone get a word in edgewise, and one can only wonder about the meanness, narrow mindedness, and prejudices of these women, and wish one could place a muzzle on their mouths!

Imagine A President Like This!

Imagine a President who governed in a time when the stock market doubled!

Imagine a President who used all of the tools of his office to overcome terrorism!

Imagine a President who adopted the Health Care plan of the Heritage Foundation, including endorsements by then Republican leaders Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole!

Imagine a President whose health care plan was to the right of the plans of President Richard Nixon!

One could say this must be a Republican President in the vein of Ronald Reagan, right?

But it is NOT Ronald Reagan we are talking about!

We are talking about Barack Obama!

Republican Suicide As Result of Government Shutdown And Debt Ceiling: Long Term Damage!

The Republican Party has seen 144 members of the House of Representatives and 18 in the US Senate voting for default on the national debt!

The Republican Party has seen itself held accountable for an increase in government spending caused by the shutdown of the government, to the tune of $24 billion, instead of having 800,000 civil servants working for 16 days, but now getting back pay rightfully for their forced period out of work!

The Republican Party has shown it does not give a damn for the economic and emotional turmoil it caused millions of Americans by their reckless, selfish, delusional behavior!

The Republican Party has shown it has no limits in its determination to destroy this President, but it has failed miserably!

The Republican Party allowed itself to be hijacked by Ted Cruz and the Tea Party Movement, and it has lost all respectability and credibility to achieve control of the White House, the Senate, and at some point, the House of Representatives, as they have shown themselves to be no longer representative of a broad coalition needed to be taken seriously as a national party based on coalition and compromise!

Public opinion polls show the GOP in crisis mode, with the lowest ratings in recorded history for a major political party since polls began in the mid 1930s!

The only hope for a revival of the Republican Party is to:

Repudiate Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, James Inhofe, Marco Rubio and other Tea Party Senators.

Repudiate the Tea Party Movement in the House of Representatives.

Repudiate the talk show hosts on radio and Fox News Channel.

Repudiate the Heritage Foundation and other right wing think tanks, and come back to the moderate center which led to the elections of Eisenhower, Nixon, the Bushes, and yes, even Ronald Reagan, who would be mortified as to how right wing extremist the GOP has allowed itself to become.

But will the Republican Party take any or all of these actions? Do not hold your breath on this!