Barack Obama became our 44th President on this day five years ago, and on this fifth anniversary, he has reached his low point in public opinion polls, with 42 percent satisfied with his performance.
The likelihood is that Obama’s poll ratings will continue to go down, due to the total disaster of the inception of the ObamaCare website, plus the horrible mistake of Obama claiming that anyone could keep his health care plan if satisfied with it.
The glitches in the website are bad enough, but the fact that 5 percent, about 15 million Americans, are discovering that their health care plans are being canceled, and that the future of their health care is unsettled, and that many seem to be likely to pay a lot more for health care, if not resolved soon in a satisfactory manner, could destroy the signature achievement of the Obama Presidency.
Obama is shown to have lied, shown to be arrogant in refusing to listen to experts on the website matter, and to have thought that the fact that the purpose was to improve health care would, somehow, overcome the insecurity and uncertainty of millions of Americans suddenly having the health care plans they had taken away from them so abruptly.
It is said that millions of Americans will benefit from ObamaCare, but the fact that other millions are being victimized in coverage and cost, to fit the model that the government wants them to have, could destroy any chance of the long term success of ObamaCare.
This could ruin the long term legacy of Obama, and hurt the Democratic Party and those who believe in progressivism and liberal values.
So today is not a day to celebrate, but rather to hope that the disaster that has been occurring can be resolved very soon in a satisfactory manner, for those affected, and for the future of the concept that the federal government can do things right, as to promote anything else, means a return to abuses by private business interests without government oversight in the interests of the American people.
From what I hear, the insurance that that 5% is losing is junk insurance.
You are correct, Princess Leia, but we are hearing all kinds of stories that seem to say that many people’s lives are being affected, and that people will die, because of ObamaCare, including costs that are astronomical, and doctors no longer available on different plans. At the same time, we hear the opposite, so hard to know the truth, but the mainstream media seem to be taking the view that ObamaCare is a total disaster to millions. I wish we knew what the truth is, as much of what we hear is truly disturbing. Hopefully, it is mostly right wing propaganda, but at this point, who can be certain of what the truth is?
I have a feeling it’s mostly right-wing propaganda.
Ed Schultz had an excellent interview on his show today with Governor BeShear of Kentucky, cutting through the right-wing spin and showing how the ACA works.
Excellent critique of the ACA criticisms.
I think the low point of Barack Obama’s presidency was when he selected his cabinet. Too many of them, especially chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and treasury secretary Tim Geithner, should never have been considered. I think those with a sophisticated eye and/or a b.s. barometer did not fool themselves into accepting the selections and foresaw many of the “disappoints” which came at least during the first term of the 44th president.
Interesting perspective, D, but then, that is what I expect from you!
I agree with D about some of those cabinet choices. That was the perfect opportunity for some Wall Street reform. I feel they got off too easy.
What I do not understand is that if Obama acted dictatorially when he by executive fiat unconstitutionally granted waivers, exemptions and delayed certain implementations of Obamacare to his favorite constituencies.If he acted like a dictator suspending laws, changing laws, and not applying certain laws that he justified before himself exclusively only. Why does he not act dictatorially again and suspend these regulations that force private insurers to cancel policies that over 15 million American like? Why does not Obama fix this dictatorially? After all the media won’t complain, the Republicans are cowards and wet themselves just thinking that the media will go after them, and the left, his base, of course just loves it when he violates the Constitution for the so called “social justice” end. In other words , what I want to know is why Obama won’t act like a dictator to help Edie Littlefield Sundby?
Lulz! We aren’t fooled by you Matt, formerly Juan/Russian woman/Robert/Eugene.
Princess Leia, there always seems to be a troll, LOL. The question is are they being paid for their promotion of propaganda?
Yes Professor. Some are paid , much like infomercials on the web, to spend their day making it seem there are more people than actually are with their distorted views.
Right from Joseph Goebbels’ book on the science of propaganda.
Are they getting paid? That’s high possibility.
I would not be surprised, Princess Leia, as the right wing is very well financed!
McAuliffe is being called as the winner in Virginia!!!!
Thank goodness, but the result was much closer than predicted, which is worrisome, Jane Doe!
Talking Points Memo did an investigation about those letters.
Glad that crazy Jackson guy got beat bad.
There are so many lies, Rustbelt Democrat, being perpetrated. The critics will lie through their teeth and the insurance companies are out to destroy the law, but it will survive.
The Reverend E W Jackson made Cuccinelli look better, imagine that. A true lunatic!
What irks me is voters not voting unless it’s a presidential election. In my opinion, your local elections are even more important in your lives than a national election is.
You are correct, Jane Doe!