The Republican Party seems to be unable to understand that their future is gloomy until they abandon the idea of old white and religious males in the South And Great Plains and Mountain West being enough to win elections.
This country wants total separation of church and state.
This country wants women, African Americans, Latinos, and Gays and Lesbians to be treated with dignity.
The young are voting in greater numbers, and they are voting Democratic, as they do not want the agenda of limited government, states rights, and religion in government that the Republicans are constantly trying to force on them.
The Civil War has been over for 150 years, and states rights will not be the dominant viewpoint of future generations.
Small national government disappeared in the time of the Great Depression 80 years ago, and it is NOT coming back.
This nation is becoming one of fewer whites, and more diversity, and nothing is going to stop that trend.
And women are liberated, and will NOT allow any man to dictate what they can and cannot do with their bodies and their futures.
Until and when the GOP understands these realties, they will be a losing party, and the benefits for the Democratic Party will grow by leaps and bounds!
Amen to that!
It almost seems like it’s the GOP’s last rodeo!. To bad they are all getting bucked the hell off every bull they ride! hahah!
Professor one thing you mentioned which I think is so very true. As this current crop of crazy nuts tparty get voted out in the next few years I think we will see a whole new attitude as the younger generation takes over the reins of power. They do not care about the old south and the ideology of hate and racism. Young people do not care if their friends or neighbors or co-workers are gay. The color of a person’s skin is becoming irrelevant …. although we will need a few generations yet for that attitude to die out. A child has to be taught to hate and there are still enough haters to teach a whole heck of a lot of youngins. It won’t happen in our life time Professor, but I do think there will one day dawn a new day in this country…
Yes, Maggie, I totally agree about the long term future. We have a multi cultural and multi racial society developing, all to the good!
Wow this post really seems like you were on something Professor. Don’t be greedy and share some with the poor will you?LOL
The Professor is not on anything Matt. He’s reporting truthful facts about the changing makeup of this country on this blog.
Exactly right Rustbelt! Matt obviously can’t handle the truth.