On this day in 1874, the famous political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, first portrayed Republicans as elephants, calling them the preferred party and the “smart” party.
The party he portrayed 139 years ago no longer exists, as it has become the party of stupidity, meanness, nastiness, racism, nativism, and misogyny! It is the party that hates immigrants, minorities, women, gays and lesbians, and the federal government. It is the party of preventing progress, preventing job creation, out to destroy effective government..
It offers such horrible candidates as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul,. Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, as potential Presidential candidates.
And it is the party that decides to trash New Jersey Governor Chris Christie because he is too “moderate”, and can win the Latino vote in his state, and keep a somewhat open mind on some other issues that all of them have closed minds about.
So we see all of them avoiding the celebration of the victory of Christie, as they only care about themselves, not the welfare of the American people, or any fellow Republicans!
The good thing is that all of these Tea Party types are self destructing, while Christie, with his many faults, flourishes.
One watches the GOP of 2013 in wonderment, and has to say–When, oh when, will they get the message that the American people are not willing to accept the nation of the Civil War Era, the nation of the Great Depression, the nation even of Ronald Reagan? The nation has moved beyond all that, and no narrow minded view prevalent in the South, Great Plains, and Mountain States will stop the advancement of America into the future!
Thanks for providing my morning chuckle.
Dave, you provide chuckles every time you state your ignorant, uninformed views—a dinosaur with head in the sand!
And thank you, Davy Knows Nothing, for providing us with our morning chuckles.
Dave: I agree, so far I have only read a few delusional fairytale post that seem to have been written under the psychedelic influence of Lysergic acid diethylamide. Makes for some entertaining fiction though.
LOL! Matt’s (formerly known as Juan/Russian woman/Robert/Eugene) posts have been written under psychedelic acid influence.
Matt, I will have you know that I have NEVER used LSD or any illegal drug even once, including never having used marijuana, which I am sure you have used. I also have never smoked tobacco, and never been drunk, as I value my health, and have led a life free from any vices.
Your vice, however, at the least, is lack of concern about those less fortunate, and instead to look down on the poor, and blame them for their plight. On that matter, let me say the following” “There but for the grace of God go I”, so you should follow basic religious principles and care about, and make it easier, for the poor to cope and to improve their lives, but you would rather be a troll, and utilize insults. If you continue, you will not be able to use this blog for long!
Professor…Matt’s vice is horse excrement for brains. Matt do you honestly think you are fooling anyone? You are quite amusing.
Davie….The Professor made a mistake…your head in NOT in the sand….
Professor: You need not clarify! I’m just being sarcastic. Chill a little. You seem overstressed and obsessed with Conservatives.
Well, your sarcasm is not appreciated, as you are definitely overstressed and obsessed with progressive values, which does not reflect well upon you.
I just sit in awe sometimes when I read your posts. The majority of them are based on such a complete different vision of the world that it is really amusing sometimes. I just wonder if the different visions are due to an innate genetic psychological trait or if it is acquired under the influences of personal life experiences.
I must say, Matt, that I sit in awe that you are so committed to the prevention of progress and human rights and decency.
I was brought up to care about others, to be thankful for what I accomplish, but never to reject or impugn others who are less fortunate. And I am not unusual, as there are literally millions of people who share my basic values, that government is good, that we cannot allow unbridled capitalism controlled by corporations, and that we must work to overcome prejudice based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability.
I am a proud progressive, and cannot understand so called “religious” people who promote hate and racism and misogyny and homophobia. And there is nothing amusing about your narrow minded view of life, and I reject your concept of genetics and psychology having any role in my approach to life and people, but wonder why you are so self centered and lacking in concern for others. Could you have a genetic base to your approach to life, or are you psychologically damaged yourself?