Walmart is the largest corporation in the world, and the most arrogant of all corporations, as it mistreats its workers in the most horrible manner possible.
It pays its unfortunate workers a wage inadequate for anyone to survive on, and allows taxpayers to subsidize health insurance and food stamps for its workers, because it is too cheap to have concern about the welfare of its own staff.
Why should taxpayers have to take care of $9,000 costs for each worker, when Walmart makes billions of dollars annually in profit, and its four heirs have the assets in total of the bottom 60 percent of the entire American population?
And Walmart has the gall and nerve to have its own workers arrested around the nation, due to their protests about their mistreatment, and the requirement that they work on Thanksgiving or lose their jobs.
Walmart needs to be held to account, as no corporation should be permitted to act in a fascist manner against its own employees, reminiscent of the auto industry in the 1930s before unionization took hold, and changed the lives of workers by the growing power of labor unions, which despite their faults and shortcomings, made for the growth of the middle class.
Now labor unions are in disarray, since the administration of Ronald Reagan, and too many Americans are only obsessed with purchase of “bargains”, so much so that they ignore the plight of Walmart and other workers, and are even willing to assault and kill each other over material goods that are mostly not necessary, but only desired.
The American culture is in deep trouble when materialism is in charge, and workers are being abused in the holy name of capitalism at all costs.
So all decent Americans who are left in this nation need to boycott Walmart until they change their policies toward their workers, and stop making these workers depend on taxpayers for basic benefits, rather then the company which employs them,.
And that includes not only Walmart, but also Target, and McDonalds, and the multitude of other corporations that are smaller versions of the monopolistic Walmart! Pay a living wage and benefits or suffer the consequences of a national boycott by all decent consumers who are left in America!
Hello Professor,
I have tried not to buy anything from WalMart they were so proactive setting up value added manufacturing in China. The cause & effect of so much closing of businesses such as Rubber Maid and the loss of American Middle Class jobs.
Like the famous quote from Dorothy Parker, one of the members of “The Algonquin Round Table,” “Now, look, baby, ‘Union’ is spelled with 5 letters. It is not a four-letter word.”. It’s time to reevaluate this source of the singular Working Middle Class voice.
Also I would pass on the words by Charles Percy Snow,
“When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion.”
Again, words and quotes of wisdom, Engineer!
At a Walmart near my neck of the woods, two guys got into a fight over a parking space on Black Friday.
Yes Jane Doe…I cannot conceive any physical violence just for the benefit of shopping at a store. Violence has broken out at many stores open on Black Friday.
This gives you a good window in the future should society really have a shortage of food or any other necessity. People will kill each other for a Big Mac.
Stupidity on steroids.
Merry Christmas and Good Will towards men….unless he is going for the same Play Station I want. God Bless Us Everyone…empty hollow words.
Yes, we are in a serious crisis in this nation, regarding values, civility, and what really matters–concern for thy fellow man and woman, not THINGS, as the late George Carlin termed it in a very exceptional way unique to him!
This is the kind of Republican I respect:
Of course, the Teabaggers would call him a RINO.
Yes Rustbelt…I too am called a RINO. My reply to those “Johnny Come Latelys” of the reactionary conservatives that they have no idea what the Republican Party once stood for. I will be glad when they are purged.
As a result of ever expanding depraved socialist policies and the current corrupt president, the common working family needs to shop as frugally as possible. I applaud Walmart for its efforts and successes at keeping our country fed and supplied with its everyday needs at affordable cost.
Dave, you seem to be unaware that Walmart is costing YOU taxes, because they do not give a living wage or health care benefits to their workers! It shows just how clueless you really are, and how ignorant you are about the Walmart outrages!