1914 And 2014: Are The Scenarios Similar, Meaning A Potential World War III?

A century ago, misjudgements, emotion, nationalism, and extremism led to the outbreak of the First World War, wrongfully called the “Great War,” leading to tens of millions of dead and wounded all over Europe, and causing the demise of empires, and the rise of Communism, Nazism, and Fascism, and the eventual coming of the Second World War.

After the Second World War, the Cold War evolved, and for nearly a half century, tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States created the danger of another world war, which, however, was avoided, despite tremendous crisis after crisis, with the super powers going to the brink, and then stepping back from the precipice.

But now, a quarter century after the Cold War ended, Russia’s move into Crimea, taking sovereign territory away from Ukraine, has created the biggest international crisis since 1989, and to the possibility of a scenario where extremism, nationalism, emotions, misjudgements by leaders, and the actions of a few could lead to the outbreak of a massive war, that would be called World War III!

This is very worrisome, and statesmanship, and commitment to avoid war is essential, or else we could reach a new precipice, that we might not be able to back away from, and would destroy the world we live in!

11 comments on “1914 And 2014: Are The Scenarios Similar, Meaning A Potential World War III?

  1. Paul Doyle March 20, 2014 8:30 pm

    So far, the “I know you are, but what am I” sanctions by both sides reminds one of a grammar school school yard snit fit.
    Hopefully, that is as far as it goes.

    The twitter snarky remarks by both sides are so juvenile.
    The other thing that is starting to annoy me is the President’s side stuff this past week. Trading jokes with Ellen and doing a Glenn Beck chalkboard dissertation of the NCAA basketball brackets just seem a little out of place with such a serious situation brewing in Ukraine.

    No, I am not one to begrudge a President some down time, but between these two events and the “Between the Two Ferns” thing last week, the President’s timing is just a little bit off in my estimation.

  2. Ronald March 20, 2014 9:06 pm

    I can understand what you are saying, Paul, but I do not begrudge what the President is doing, as he is entitled to some off time, and was actually promoting ObamaCare with Ellen and “Between the Two Ferns”, and every President has some interest in sports, such as throwing out the first ball of the new baseball season in DC or elsewhere. In Obama’s case. it is a passion for basketball.

    I think what IS important is that, while the situation could be serious, Obama does not want to ratchet up war fever, as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney did. If the situation becomes dire, god forbid, he will say and do what needs to be said and done, and we will know it, but best NOT to build it up to a Cuban Missile Crisis, at least not until it is such!

  3. Engineer Of Knowledge March 21, 2014 8:38 am

    Hello Professor,
    Sorry to divert from the topic, but I have to pass on this bit of information I heard on the news with regards to the Ohio State legislature.

    The State has pasted a law that protects from prosecution, any police officer who has sex with a prostitute in the line of an investigation to collect evidence and arrest of the said prostitute.

    What an Orwellian society we have become. This is what I would have expected from the the totallinary aspect of the military juntas in Argentina and Chile when I was down there in the mid 1970s.

  4. Ronald March 21, 2014 8:49 am

    This is further evidence of the fact of the crazy times we live in, and the irresponsibility of so many state legislatures. As much as we can criticize the US Congress, it never gets as outrageous in action as many state legislatures, while maybe being just as bad in rhetoric!

  5. Southern Liberal March 21, 2014 12:47 pm

    Yet another situation where I’m glad we don’t have a GOTea president.

  6. Paul Doyle March 21, 2014 6:11 pm

    I guess Ohio has given a new meaning to undercover police work.

  7. Paul Doyle March 21, 2014 6:25 pm

    I tried to surf around the ‘net to get details and can’t find anything on line about the case in Ohio. There is a case in Hawaii that involves rescinding a law that already made it legal for the same situation you described that they were trying to get rescinded and that was in today’s news.

    Are you sure that there is another similar situation in Ohio?

  8. Paul Doyle March 21, 2014 6:33 pm

    I just read the Columbus Dispatch on-line edition.
    I kid you not that the top story was a legal case denying inmates to donate their organs.

    If EOK’s scenario is correct about Ohio, perhaps the courts can help the police and have the inmates…. oh,never mind. ; )

  9. Ronald March 21, 2014 6:53 pm

    Paul, I LOVE your sense of humor! LOL

  10. Ali March 22, 2014 12:57 pm

    It seems to me from watching Putins actions that he almost wants another cold war to happen. It’s almost like men like him believe the only way to be remembered and achieve greatness is to start a war with someone.

    It makes me wonder though if Republicans would do the correct thing and back the president in the event of another war breaking out or another so called cold war. From recent actions and everything over the last 6 years or so I would probably have to put that squarely into the category of not a chance.

    The situation is very disconcerting to a degree but if nothing else it has been fantastic for some pretty hilarious late night sketches as of late. I especially like the lines “McCain in the Ukraine, McCain in the Ukraine, McCain’s insane got no brain.” Lol

  11. Ronald March 22, 2014 1:18 pm

    This Ukraine crisis, Ali, is very worrisome, as the bipartisanship of the Cold War Era no longer exists. That is why, whether we like it or not, foreign policy will dominate the next election, not ObamaCare, what with the Iran and Syria and North Korea and Russia problems, among many others.

    That is why the ONLY qualified Republican to deal with this is Jon Huntsman, and in my view, the only Democrats qualified are Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. All the rest do not have the experience to deal with the crises, and in some cases, they are purely morons, and being a Governor is not enough at this time, as I see it!

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