As March 2014 ends, Hillary Clinton is the runaway favorite for the Democratic Presidential nomination, which is comforting to her, but going by history, no guarantee of her nomination in the summer of 2016.
Witness the following facts:
Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts was the front runner in polls for 1976, 1980, and 1984, in March 1974, March 1978, and March 1982.
Senator Gary Hart of Colorado was the front runner in polls for 1988, in March 1986.
Governor Mario Cuomo of New York was the front runner in polls for 1992, in March 1990.
Former Vice President Al Gore was the front runner in polls for 2004, in March 2002.
Senator Hillary Clinton of New York was the front runner in polls for 2008, in March 2006.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani was the front runner in polls for 2008, in March 2006.
Did anyone ever know of a President Ted Kennedy, a President Gary Hart, a President Mario Cuomo, a President Al Gore (other than the contested Election Of 2000), a President Hillary Clinton for the past five years, or a President Rudy Guiliani?
Who was seriously thinking of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama in 1974 or 1990 or 2006? And who was seriously thinking of Michael Dukakis in 1986 or John Kerry in 2002? The answer is that none of the top five in polling in all these different March second year of the term polls were these five listed in this paragraph, including the last three Democratic Presidents!
So the game of Presidential candidacy is far from resolved at this early point of the battle for the next Presidential nominations in both parties!
President Ted Kennedy got stuck in the Mudd; President Hart was involved in too much Monkey Business; President Cuomo’s heart was too big of a fan of Hamlet (and thus, too intellectual for the hearts of the little hamlets and burgs needed for election); President Gore’s term is forever stored away in a Lock Box in the inner sanctum of the SCOTUS; President HRC assumed somewhat a sense of entitlement and finally President Guiliani thought that campaigning was something other candidates did. ; )
Wow. Paul, hahaha! You are quite a stand up comedian! LOL Have you ever tried this in front of an audience, because I think you are quite good at it!