The Twelve Most Right Wing Extremist States In 2014

It is scary to observe just how far Right Wing Extremist some of the 50 states have gone. Following is a list of the twelve most right wing extremist states in 2014. There is no special order of these states.

North Carolina
South Carolina

All of these states are governed by right wing Republican, Tea Party supported Governors and legislatures.

Seven of them are Southern States of the Old Confederacy.

Nine of them, including Kansas and Oklahoma, had legal segregation until outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Idaho, Utah and Wyoming are heavily influenced by the right wing extremism of the Mormon Church.

Only Texas and North Carolina are heavily populated states, and the only ones that are becoming more significant, due to the reality that both are bound to be “Blue” in the coming years.

Other than Texas, North Carolina, and to some extent, South Carolina, the other nine states are having no major impact on the future evolution of the nation!

The education level in all twelve states is among the lowest in the nation, and poverty is high, and not just among African Americans and Hispanics-Latinos, but also among poor whites.

These states, if they continue their right wing tilt, are doomed to remain the “backwaters” of America long term!

3 comments on “The Twelve Most Right Wing Extremist States In 2014

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge May 31, 2014 8:10 am

    Hello Professor,
    I have to say that the dumbing down of America, this education level in all twelve states mentioned as being among the lowest in the nation, should be of the most concerned to us all.

    As I have written many times my viewpoint that, “The true wealth of a nation is a well educated work force”.

    We in this country do have some of the very best collegiate schools in the world, but they are becoming more and more expensive.

    Which brings up the disservice to the generation coming up to fill the ranks of the retiring brain trust legacy in the workforce today. The next generation has to get student loans to obtain their education.

    Now in an act of shortsighted insanity, the GOP just killed a bill that would have reduced the interest rates and are even pushing for even higher rates for these student loans! If you are young and trying to obtain an education for your future, you are selling yourself into “indentured slavery” to financial institutions to achieve this education.

    We not only have this issue at the collegiate level, but also at the elementary / secondary public education system as it too is being allowed to disintegrate. Student aid is being cut and privatized corporate substandard charter school systems are being pushed on cities all over America.

    I just read an article where New Orleans is closing all of their public schools in favor of an all “Charter School” for profit school system.

    Not because these schools are performing better in educating the students, as there are many examples where these students are under performing on National Standards testing compared to the public school educated students across the country, but because of the lack of funds to rebuild the public school system after Hurricane Katrina. Yes the long term cause & effects of this still ongoing disaster.

    So in conclusion, I cannot help but think that it is the desire and plans of the handful of conservative oligarchs to create an uneducated work force that will allow them to compete with the underprivileged work forces of the third world in the years to come.

  2. Engineer Of Knowledge May 31, 2014 9:47 am

    I will also close in saying, “If you don’t vote, you can be sure that someone who is much crazier than you will”.

  3. Ronald June 2, 2014 8:47 pm

    You are SO CORRECT in your assessment, Engineer!

    I am particularly incensed at Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, who once seemed to have a bright political future, but has squandered it with his vicious, right wing extremism. He should be totally ashamed of himself, and the fact he is not, shows the true villain that he has become, certainly not the only one, but very disappointing!

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