If Once You Do Not Succeed, Try, Try Again—Republican Mantra For Presidency

Historically, Republicans who have sought the Presidency have discovered that the first try does not work, and that the old saying–“If once you do not succeed, try, try again!”–applies.

Such is the case in the past 50 years with:

Richard Nixon, 1960 and 1968
Ronald Reagan 1968 and 1976, 1980
George H. W. Bush 1980 and 1988
Bob Dole 1980 and 1988, 1996
John McCain 2000 and 2008
Mitt Romney 2008 and 2012

So such potential candidates as Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and Jon Huntsman all have history on their side, although it is unlikely to be of much help in their favor, except, possibly for Jon Huntsman, the only “mainstream” candidate of the group!

2 comments on “If Once You Do Not Succeed, Try, Try Again—Republican Mantra For Presidency

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge June 3, 2014 8:46 pm

    This posting with regards to the Republican’s potential candidates of Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich….the Albert Einstein quote I think applies here very well:

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  2. Ronald June 3, 2014 8:56 pm

    HAHA, I agree, Engineer! Santorum, Perry, Huckabee, Gingrich AIN’T (LOL) equal of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Dole, McCain, and even Romney!

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