Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush says, if he runs for President, that he will NOT kiss the ring of the extreme Right Wing of the Republican Party!
Well, Jeb, forget it then, as you will never win the GOP nomination, being that you are part of the so called “Establishment”! The Tea Party Right Wing extremists will fight you tooth and nail to prevent you being the GOP Presidential nominee!
Being more sympathetic to immigration reform will hurt Bush, as well as support for “Common Core” education, and just being a Bush will hurt as well!
Meanwhile, one of the most viable GOP potential nominees, Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, has decided not to seek the Presidency in 2016, and instead run for reelection.
Portman would have had trouble anyway, being George W. Bush’s Budget Director as the deficit swelled; and also for the fact that he has come out for gay marriage, after his son revealed himself to be gay, making Portman one of only four Republican Senators to endorse gay marriage so far! But being from Ohio and being NOT a looney candidate, as so many potential Republicans are, he would have been a far better choice for President than many of them!
So we have lost two potential mainstream conservatives to the race for President–Bush, by his statements that he will not cater to the extremists; and Portman, for showing his belief that it would be unlikely he could win the nomination, and desirous, instead, of keeping his Senate seat!
So again, the question is: Is Governor John Kasich of Ohio ready to take the plunge, and give respectability to the GOP battle for the Presidency?
Hello Professor,
Well my comment on this posting is your statement, “Mainstream Conservative Republican” is no longer in existence to any degree of influence.
Those like myself are such a small voice today, plus the venomous ostracization within the party, has rendered us to the level of no voice at all.
As I would love to have Governor John Kasich of my somewhat adoptive state of Ohio, take a run for the Republication nomination; the proverbial, “Snowball’s chance in Hell,” I think would apply here.
Wayne, I agree with you about the likelihood of Kasich being the nominee, if he runs, is a long shot, much like Jon Huntsman was in 2012, and had he had interest in running in 2016.