Fox News Channel is destroying any chance of a Republican Presidential victory in 2016, with its decision to allow only the top ten candidates in public opinion polls of their choice to compete in the Republican Presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio, on Thursday, August 6.
August 6 is the 70th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing, that forced Japan to surrender in World War II.
This August 6th debate could be the “Hiroshima” of the Republican Party for the Presidential Election of 2016, and could have the effect of undermining the Republican hopes, not just for the White House, but for continued control of the US Senate, and even the House of Representatives.
Any debate that does not allow candidates to compete, based on the fickle attitudes of that small percentage who participate in public opinion polls, is totally lacking in legitimacy.
Yes, 16 or 17 candidates (if former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore announces as he intends to do before August 6) is an unwieldy number, but the answer is to have two mixed groups of eight or nine candidates debate for 90 minutes, followed by the other eight or nine debating on similar issues immediately after, or on the next evening.
The idea is to pick candidates for each debate as in a lottery, whatever eight or nine show up first are in the first debate, and the others are in the second debate.
This gives the voters a chance to see all the candidates do their pitch, make an impression, rather than eliminating some candidates who might have a real chance to be the nominee if they were able to gain the same exposure as the others who are running.
To have a debate that might not include Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, and Jim Gilmore (those seven at the moment seen as unlikely to be in the top ten of the polls) is totally preposterous!