It is clear to this blogger that the winners of the first Republican debate, in Cleveland, Ohio, last night were in order:
John Kasich
Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
Dr Benjamin Carson
Rand Paul
It is also clear to this blogger that the losers of the first Republican debate, in Cleveland, Ohio, lat night were in order:
Donald Trump
Scott Walker
Ted Cruz
Chris Christie
Mike Huckabee
if one includes the separate debate of the seven at the bottom of the polls, the winners in order were:
Carly Fiorina
Rick Perry
The losers were the rest of the group in the following order:
Rick Santorum
Bobby Jindal
Lindsey Graham
Jim Gilmore
George Pataki
Who came out as potentially “Presidential” in order:
John Kasich
Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
It seems more likely than ever that one of these three will be the Republican Presidential nominee, but there is a long road to six months from now and the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary and beyond, so we shall see!
CNN will be hosting the Democratic debate in October.
Love Bernie’s Tweets!
I thought that Rubio and Kasich were the best of the bunch. I thought Bush and Walker were flat. Rand Paul seemed desperate to appear relevant. Ben Carson is the most out of his league.
I thought the “moderators” came off looking like they were a bunch of high school kids moderating a student body election debate, especially during the opening. Also, both debates were clearly designed to try to start weeding the pack. The questions were obviously stacked to show some in a favorable light, and push others off the stage for the next debate.
Ha! Ha! Totally agree about that! It reminded me of a combination high school popularity contest and a reality show.
My wife and I had a drinking game. Every time they said Obamacare or some other talking point, we took a sip.
Trump has been banned from a conservative event.
I predict he winds up as a third party candidate.
Funny lip reading video of the debates!