Minnesota is a strongly Democratic state, with a Democratic Governor, Mark Dayton, who has been very successful in promoting economic growth in the state.
It also has two Democratic Senators, Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar, both supremely qualified to be Vice President.
It was also the state of Vice President and Presidential nominee Hubert Humphrey in 1968, and Vice President and Presidential nominee Walter Mondale in 1984.
It was also the state of Senator Eugene McCarthy and Senator Paul Wellstone.
Hillary Clinton has to consider both Franken and Klobuchar, as it is assured that either one in the Vice Presidency would be replaced by a Democrat, not assured in other states, including New Jersey, Ohio, and Virginia.
Franken would be a great “attack dog” against Republican Donald Trump, and would be the first Jewish Vice President if Hillary Clinton won the White House.
Klobuchar would be the first woman Vice President, and far superior to Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin in qualifications and experience.
Either Franken or Klobuchar would be a worthy successor to Joe Biden to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency!
“I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me enough to be Vice President”…..