Day: June 1, 2016

Donald Trump Declares War On The News Media: A Dictator In The Making!

Donald Trump has declared war on the news media, at his tempestuous press conference at Trump Tower yesterday, called to explain the issue of the raising of funds to help veterans, which he had declared as a goal in January, and had never been held accountable for for the past four months.

Trump insulted several reporters specifically, and made clear there would be combat between the news media and the Trump White House if he was elected, making for the absolute worst possible relationship with the media, worse than Richard Nixon!

This is alarming,and every effort must be made to insure that Trump does not win the Presidency, as his Fascist leanings and dictatorial manner is terrifying, and portends potential destruction of American democracy.

Trump’s tirade reminds many of Vice President Spiro Agnew under Nixon, vilifying the press in a disgraceful way!