Donald Trump and his campaign surrogates are now bringing up the issue of Hillary Clinton’s health.
The fact that in 2012 Hillary Clinton had a fainting spell and hit her head has been dramatized to say that she is seriously ill.
Ironic when Donald Trump by his daily behavior makes many wonder if he is demented.
It is also the fact that the physician issuing a brief statement claiming Donald Trump’s health is excellent is not a general physician, but rather a gastroenterologist, which begs the question why would Trump have a specialist as his doctor if he did not have problems in that area that required him to go to a specialist?
If anything, it is worrisome that both Trump and Hillary Clinton are the oldest nominees for President other than Ronald Reagan, and we know that Reagan demonstrated signs of decline, and his eventual Alzheimers diagnosis in his second term, with the assassination attempt in 1981 probably hastening that medical condition.
But Hillary Clinton has demonstrated strength, stamina and stability, as she traveled the amazing amount of a million miles over four years as Secretary of State in the first term of Barack Obama.
Meanwhile, the privileged, undisciplined man named Donald Trump never did any such thing, as his life has been one of barking orders as a corporate leader, born with s silver spoon in his mouth, who never had to struggle or face adversity in his life.
If Donald Trump, God forbid, were to be elected President, he would face the greatest stress in his life, and one can doubt that he could handle it very well.
At least with both candidates, we have a Vice Presidential running mate (Mike Pence and Tim Kaine) who is in the late 50s, a much better age for a future President than the early 70s!
The Donald works out alright…he’s always pumping irony!
If Trump were around in the 1930’s he would be making fun of FDR for being in a wheelchair.
Princess Leia, that makes perfect sense! Really disgraceful!
With the Clinton Foundation coming under scrutiny, here’s some facts about it.
The AP’s story regarding the Clinton Foundation has just shown us why it is important to be vigilant in how we consume the news as it is reported. They took some interesting information they gathered and spun it into something it wasn’t…scandalous.
Thanks for that.
What I consider scandalous is that CEO of that EpiPen company who gave herself a raise while increasing the prices of the EpiPens.