Month: August 2016

The Strength, Stamina, Stability Of Hillary Clinton Vs Donald Trump: A Million Miles As Secretary Of State Vs Privilege Of A Undisciplined Man!

Donald Trump and his campaign surrogates are now bringing up the issue of Hillary Clinton’s health.

The fact that in 2012 Hillary Clinton had a fainting spell and hit her head has been dramatized to say that she is seriously ill.

Ironic when Donald Trump by his daily behavior makes many wonder if he is demented.

It is also the fact that the physician issuing a brief statement claiming Donald Trump’s health is excellent is not a general physician, but rather a gastroenterologist, which begs the question why would Trump have a specialist as his doctor if he did not have problems in that area that required him to go to a specialist?

If anything, it is worrisome that both Trump and Hillary Clinton are the oldest nominees for President other than Ronald Reagan, and we know that Reagan demonstrated signs of decline, and his eventual Alzheimers diagnosis in his second term, with the assassination attempt in 1981 probably hastening that medical condition.

But Hillary Clinton has demonstrated strength, stamina and stability, as she traveled the amazing amount of a million miles over four years as Secretary of State in the first term of Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, the privileged, undisciplined man named Donald Trump never did any such thing, as his life has been one of barking orders as a corporate leader, born with s silver spoon in his mouth, who never had to struggle or face adversity in his life.

If Donald Trump, God forbid, were to be elected President, he would face the greatest stress in his life, and one can doubt that he could handle it very well.

At least with both candidates, we have a Vice Presidential running mate (Mike Pence and Tim Kaine) who is in the late 50s, a much better age for a future President than the early 70s!

The College Educated Vs The Non College Educated: The Battle For The Future Of America!

It is clear that the Presidential Election of 2016 is a battle for the future of America, in effect a struggle between the college educated and the non college educated.

Ignorance and being clueless has been a major problem for a long time, but polls indicate the more educated you are, the more likely you will support Hillary Clinton, and the less educated you are, the more likely you will support Donald Trump.

Usually, educated Republicans have voted for their party nominee, but not this time, which is a good sign.

The future must be in the hands of those who know how to analyze, interpret, evaluate information and candidates with some wisdom.

If we allow the uneducated, the ignorant, who support Donald Trump, to govern America in the future, we will be taken back to the 19th century, and ironically, the poorly educated have been suckered into voting Republican for years by people who do not give a damn about them.

Having said the above, it is clear that there are millions of Americans who have not attended college, and in many cases, have not had the opportunity to attend and graduate college, who, nevertheless, are not bigots or narrow minded, so we must recognize that fact.

But racism, nativism, misogyny, homophobia, and xenophobia have been utilized far too often to keep the poor and uneducated voting Republican, and that must be fought against.

Large Crowds For Speeches Not Indication Of Voting Results, Just An Entertainment Event!

Many Donald Trump supporters love to point out that he has tremendously large crowds which come out for all of his political rallies.

They say that is an indication of the enthusiasm that exists for the Trump Presidential candidacy.

And yet, all of the public opinion polls indicate a massive edge for Hillary Clinton.

So what gives here?

The answer is that large crowds have never been an indicator of voting results, and should be seen as an entertainment event that costs nothing, and therefore will draw large crowds.

Remember Donald Trump is primarily an entertainer, a reality TV star, a man of charisma, known for more than 30 years as a public figure.

And in other elections, the candidate who lost had very large crowds come to his event–as with George McGovern in 1972 and Mitt Romney in 2012, as two examples.

Where else can you get close to a well known person, who can be funny and as interesting, with his rants and ravings, as Donald Trump is, and pay nothing, and find people who feel the same as you?

So Trump crowds are NO indication of the total disaster about to take over the Trump Presidential bid.

The Millennial Generation Against Donald Trump And Republican Mentality

The millennial generation, those under 30, are clearly NOT Donald Trump supporters by any estimation.

And most are not Republicans or conservatives, but rather Democrats and progressives, or leaning, clearly, in that direction.

They are much more tolerant and open minded than their elders, on all kinds of issues, and they resent Donald Trump’s divisive tactics.

They are gaining or have more education than those more senior in the population.

They have no issue with racial and ethnic minorities, or gay and lesbian people.

They see Donald Trump as obnoxious, while many elderly, crazily, seem to admire the “Donald”.

Face the facts, the elderly among us, or at least a good percentage of them, are an embarrassment with their prejudices, hatreds, and narrow mindedness.

It may not be a majority, and hopefully it is not, but it is disturbing when even this blogger, in giving lectures to seniors in South Florida, finds many supporting Trump.

It is the younger generation, and also those 30-45, who will save the nation from a Fascist government, put into power by ignorant and selfish people of the older generations, of which, ironically, I am a member, but nothing like many of my so called peers!

Donald Trump Fading Fast In Public Opinion Polls

Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign is imploding very rapidly.

At this time, every public opinion poll indicates that Hillary Clinton is far ahead nationally, and that every one of the 18 “Blue” states is strongly “Blue”, and that the “Swing” states are also clearly in that direction.

Additionally, many “Red” states, reliably Republican, suddenly are not so reliable, and might possibly go “Blue”, including North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Indiana, Arizona, Utah, and even Texas.

If that happens, Hillary Clinton would have a massive landslide with close to or over 400 electoral votes.

It is too early to relax, however, as a lot can change over 12 weeks, but the signs are very positive.

This has been accomplished despite Hillary Clinton’s having high levels of distrust and suspicion, mostly connected to her Email problems while at the State Department

Imagine if she did not have that issue, and was doing better on personal traits in public opinion polls.

Bringing Up Bill Clinton’s Past Of No Interest To A Vast Majority Of Potential Voters Who Look At It As History, Not Relevant To Today!

Bill Clinton’s past history with women remains reprehensible, and it led to his impeachment and trial in 1998-1999, but it is not a winning strategy for Republicans, and particularly Donald Trump, to bring up.

Blaming Hillary Clinton’s for her husband’s behavior also will not work.

Donald Trump brought up the issue awhile back, but it did not resonate, as Trump’s private life is, if anything, even more scandalous.

Also, one has to consider that Bill Clinton is old news to a large percentage of the population who are too young to know much about the details, and are unlikely to care, as it is ancient history in their minds, and many young people are accustomed to hearing discussion of sexual impropriety, and right or wrong, it has no or little effect on them.

Very religious people may be upset, but the power of religion over young people, and really the vast majority of the nation now, is very tenuous.

The only thing that is true is that if Bill Clinton continues to have scandalous behavior in the present or in the future as potential “First Gentleman”. then it could have a deleterious effect on his wife’s Presidency.

But right now, any further revival of the history of Bill Clinton’s sex life will be counterproductive for the Republicans and Donald Trump.

Protectionism And Isolationism: Herbert Hoover And Donald Trump

Eighty six years ago, President Herbert Hoover signed into law the most protectionist tariff law in American history, the Smoot Hawley Tariff of 1930, over the strong opposition of hundreds of economists who signed newspaper ads opposing the cutoff of foreign trade in the early months of the Great Depression.

These economists warned that creating tariff walls would backfire on the US economy, but Hoover did not listen, and he paid the price of a much worsening depression, leading to his defeat in 1932 for reelection by Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hoover also pursued a foreign policy of isolationism, refusing to participate in the League of Nations, and issuing the Stimson Doctrine in 1932, named after the Secretary of State, Henry Stimson. This document declared the US refusal to recognize the aggression by Japan against Manchuria, part of China in 1931, but making clear that no military or other action would be taken against foreign aggression anywhere in the world.

Hoover continued to be an isolationist after the Presidency, and opposed US entrance into World War II until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December, 1941.

Now, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump is taking similar stands on both protectionism and isolationism, a pivot from the modern tradition of the Republican Party, and considered by many to be a major mistake in both domestic and foreign policy.

Empathy Important Trait For Any Political Leader, Particularly A President Of The United States, Missing In The GOP And Donald Trump!

Empathy is one of the most important traits that any political leader needs to govern effectively.

Sadly, the Republican Party and most of its leadership totally lacks empathy, and instead is very harsh and judgmental toward those who are not fortunate enough to be born wealthy.

They fail to have concern for poverty stricken people, blaming them for their own plight.

They fail to have concern for those who are sick and or disabled, and wish to cut benefits, including ObamaCare, which has given millions of Americans their first health care.

They fail to care about the tragedy of veterans who often have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from their experiences fighting in America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the basic stresses of being in the military.

They fail to care about discrimination, racism, nativism, and misogyny, and often encourage rhetoric and actions, which further alienate large sections of population within America.

They allow religion to be utilized in a way to promote hate and division, and look the other way as they endorse hypocrisy.

The candidacy of Donald Trump only emphasizes ever more these terrible traits, as Trump is totally clueless and uncaring about the American people, often insulting, denigrating, demeaning, ridiculing, bullying, and showing total disdain for anyone who dares to challenge his disgraceful behavior and rhetoric.

Instead of taking responsibility for his own shortcomings, Trump lashes out at the news media for exposing his actions and words, thereby attempting to turn the American people against the news media and the concept of Freedom of the Press.

The Republican Party has been complicit in this kind of attack, even before Donald Trump emerged as a significant political force, and they represent a threat to our Bill Of Rights.

The last time this happened, the Federalist Party attack on the Bill of Rights under John Adams, with the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798-1801, resulted in the demise of the party over the next generation.

Temperament And Judgment Of Donald Trump Seriously Lacking, Making Him An Extremely Dangerous Potential President!

Donald Trump is proving more and more daily that he has the wrong temperament to be President. He is extremely erratic in his public moments, and very unpredictable.

He also has demonstrated that he lacks good judgment in how he deals with opponents, amd critics, as he is a clear danger to civil liberties.

He has shown that he has no filter, and says everything that crosses his mind, which is dangerous in a government leader, and can lead to misunderstandings and potential warfare.

He has shown signs of paranoia, split personality, and a sense of being persecuted, while he has no issue with promoting persecution of groups that he loves to scapegoat for the problems not easily resolved.

Many observers wonder if he has signs of dementia, as he is a senior citizen of 70 years old, and would be the oldest inaugurated President in his first term, older than Ronald Reagan by seven months.

The fact that Trump has no organized plan to win, and has no advertising and small staff, makes one wonder if he is simply naive about campaigning for President, or has simply given up, as he probably is surprised that he won the Republican Presidential nomination over far better qualified candidates, most specifically Jeb Bush and John Kasich.

The long term effect of Donald Trump is that he is extremely likely to lose the election in a landslide, and in so doing, destroy the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan.

Republican Loss Of Principle In Supporting Donald Trump Shocks Conservatives

It is shocking how so many Republicans, despite everything Donald Trump has uttered and done, somehow cannot do what is right, and condemn Donald Trump and refuse to support him.

Instead, they make out Hillary Clinton to be such total evil that they would rather elect an unstable, unhinged, dangerous man, who they would discover cannot be controlled, and would create a constant constitutional crisis, as his Fascist, racist, nativist supporters become the equivalent of Benito Mussolini’s Brown Shirts.

The Republicans are demonizing Hillary Clinton as they did with Barack Obama, as the nation moves inevitably toward another Democratic victory for the White House.

The Republican leadership is totally undermining their respectability and legitimacy by their helplessness with this crisis in their party.

Conservatives may never again trust the Republican Party, as so many of them have repudiated Trumpism, while only a few Republican office holders have had the courage to do so.

As this blogger has written on History News Network (, the Republican Party is about to implode in a total fashion, and may not survive in its present form, and possibly the name itself might become part of the dust bin of history.