Day: September 26, 2016

First Clinton-Trump Debate Takes Place On 56th Anniversary Of First Presidential Debate In 1960, John F. Kennedy Vs. Richard Nixon!

Tonight’s Clinton-Trump Presidential debate takes place on the 56th Anniversary of the first Presidential debate in American history, September 26, 1960, in Chicago, John F. Kennedy vs. Richard Nixon.

That debate is famous for the statement that if you watched the debate, you thought Kennedy had won, but if you listened on the radio, you thought Nixon had won.

Body language, eye movements, and even just comparing the two faces, really does matter, and some have said just watch with the sound off, and you will see who has won.

By all measurements, Hillary Clinton should perform better, but there is always a possibility that tonight, we could see a surprise, which could change the race, which as of this morning, shows a statistical tie across the nation, although Clinton still is the one who has the theoretical math to win the Presidency.

It is estimated that 100 million people will watch the debate, an all time high, and the whole world will be standing by to watch what could be the defining moment of the 2016 Presidential campaign.