Month: October 2016

Donald Trump Determined To Take Republican Party Down With Him, And Must Be Soundly Defeated On November 8!

Donald Trump is becoming more nutty and dangerous by the day!

Just imagine such an unhinged President, a constant constitutional crisis.

This man would be ready to wage war over any slight; dictate to Congress and the courts, even though there is a separation of powers in our Constitution; suspend the Bill of Rights at every criticism by news media; and he would, most certainly, have the most corrupt administration in American history.

He is like a human tornado, totally unbalanced and reckless, and it would seem that even Republicans would work with Democrats to remove him from office by impeachment, but meanwhile, the nation would suffer greatly in both economic and foreign policy crises.

Donald Trump seems determined to bring the Republican Party down with him, and is on the attack against Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain in particular, and he has crazy followers who are following him as if he was a Superman.

He is a menace of massive proportions, and all decent people must mobilize to insure that there is no chance of a close election, as then he can claim it was “rigged”.

Trump needs to lose by a massive landslide, and win less than 40 percent of the vote, and be totally rebuked and punished.

With Four Weeks To Go, Republican Party Is In Full Panic Mode And Moving Toward Civil War Over Donald Trump!

Total anarchy, full panic mode, and movement toward civil war—that is the state of the Republican Party four weeks before the Presidential Election of 2016.

Donald Trump has gone on a Twitter attack on Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, for refusing to campaign for or appear with Trump at any political rally.

Trump supporters and Tea Party radicals are threatening retribution against Republican members of Congress who refuse to support Trump.

Conservatives are also bitterly divided over Trump, as for example, Glenn Beck and Hugh Hewitt condemning Trump, and Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and others totally supporting him.

Trump supporters showing up at rallies are talking revolution, a scary proposition, if Democrat Hillary Clinton wins next month, which she most assuredly will accomplish.

And now, lunatic Maine Governor Paul Le Page is talking about the need for an authoritarian President to deal with, get this, what he terms the authoritarian actions of Barack Obama in the past eight years.

The danger of a total breakdown of our government is looming, due to what Donald Trump has wrought in the past 16 months, and we are on the verge of a massive constitutional crisis!

Donald Trump Manages To Lower Himself Ever Further In Public Image And Reputation

Donald Trump managed what seemed to be impossible in last night’s second Presidential debate–to lower his image and reputation ever further.

He hovered over Hillary Clinton, stalking her, with menacing body language and face.

He lied, lied, lied, and did not apologize for what he said on the now infamous Access Hollywood tape of eleven years ago about women.

He brought the accusers of Bill Clinton to the debate, sitting them with his family.

He rudely interrupted Hillary Clinton innumerable times, and did not show any depth or knowledge on any of thee questions posed by the Town Hall participants.

He threatened he would imprison Hillary Clinton, if he won the election, forgetting that he would not have the authority to order such an investigation, and seemed unaware that his threat represented what goes on in authoritarian dictatorships.

He showed his hatred and disdain for Hillary Clinton, and sent a message to millions of women who will not tolerate such a bully and male chauvinist.

He has so divided the Republican Party that the officeholders in Congress are running away from him, and Speaker Paul Ryan said he would not campaign or appear with Trump, having already canceled an event on the weekend in his home district in Wisconsin.

Donald Trump is imploding, and with four weeks left, is on the road to one of the worst defeats of any Presidential nominee in all of American history!

Utah, The Mormon State, Could Vote Democratic For First Time Since 1964, When They Voted Against Barry Goldwater

Utah, the Mormon state, has had an interesting history in their voting patterns on the Presidential elections.

Coming into the Union in 1896, Utah voted for Democrat William Jennings Bryan that year; for Woodrow Wilson in his second term bid in 1916; for Franklin D. Roosevelt four times in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944; for Harry Truman in 1948; and for Lyndon Johnson in 1964 (over Barry Goldwater).

So if Utah goes for Hillary Clinton, which now seems likely, it will be the first time in 52 years.

With Utah politicians, including Senator Mike Lee, Congressman Jason Chaffetz, and former Governor Jon Huntsman condemning Donald Trump, and with Mitt Romney, the most famous Mormon and 2012 Republican Presidential nominee, being vehemently anti Trump from the beginning of the 2016 Presidential race, it is seen as a blow to Trump having any chance to keep that state loyal to the Republican Party, which is natural in the past half century. Realize that Romney won 3-1 over Barack Obama four years ago!

Trump’s Demeaning, Degrading Comments About Women Marks The End Of The Trump Campaign, And Possibly The Republican Party Itself!

The release of the Access Hollywood tape, showing Donald Trump making demeaning, degrading comments about women, marks the end of the Trump campaign, even if he does not drop out, which in itself, would be unprecedented in American history.

The Richard Nixon resignation comes to mind as this crisis unfolds, and the Republican leadership has condemned what Trump said back in 2005, and many are abandoning him en masse this morning as I write.

Trump could be on the road to the worst defeat of any Presidential candidate of modern times, that being William Howard Taft in 1912, when he only won 23 percent of the popular vote.

On the other hand, the Trump supporters seem to be loyal, and to lack any principles, morals, and ethics, so who can say that the trash and scum of America will not back him with their votes, no matter what he says or does?

If there would ever be a reason to challenge the constitutionality of a potential dictator taking power, it would be this scenario.

The Republican Party must take action NOW for the nation, even if it means giving up the Presidency, but the future of the party is gloomy in any case, with its extremist right wing agenda, which all decent people reject!

Two Former Democratic Senators On Way To Return To US Senate: Russ Feingold And Evan Bayh!

It seems as if two former Democratic Senators are on their way to a return to the US Senate this November.

Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, one of the very best progressive oriented Senators in all of American history, who lost his seat in the 2010 midterm elections to businessman and Republican Ron Johnson, after serving from 1992-2010, is now way ahead of Johnson, and so we will have a rare rematch. Johnson has been a horrible, extremist right wing Senator, and his leaving the Senate will be a plus for the institution, and re-install the progressive tradition, established by the La Follette father and son, Robert Sr. and Robert Jr. a century ago, and followed up by William Proxmire, Gaylord Nelson and Feingold.

Evan Bayh of Indiana, son of the great liberal Senator Birch Bayh, served in the Senate from 1998-2010, and chose not to run for reelection, but now is coming back to win his Senate seat. Bayh is much more moderate than his dad was, but Indiana is a tough state for a progressive, and Bayh is a plus for the Democrats, as they attempt to win a Senate majority, so important for the Supreme Court future.

The odds of a Democratic takeover of the Senate is growing as we come down to one month to the elections.

The Mental Instability And Hatred At Trump Rallies Totally Terrifying!

We are living in dangerous times, and the most scary scenario is being at a Donald Trump rally.

We have white supremacists there.

We have Neo Nazis and Ku Klux Klan types there.

We have “Birthers” and conspiracy theorists there.

We have misogynists, racists, Islamophobes, nativists, homophobes, and xenophobes there.

We have women who could be imagined as Nazi concentration camp guards torturing people.

We have what could best be described as the most ignorant of the ignorant, who drink too much, use drugs too much, and think women are to be controlled by men.

We have people who want the “good old days” of segregation, lynching, and even slavery.

We have people who hate anyone who speaks a foreign language, or who is darker skinned than they are, and believe in an Aryan race mentality.

We have people who claim to be “good Christians”, but have no concepts of the true teachings of Jesus Christ, and are also anti-semites, who do not realize Jesus was a Jew.

We have people poorly educated, and reveling in that fact, and love their own ignorance.

We have people who would, willingly, in 21st century America, salute and obey an Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini.

The mental instability and hatreds of Trump crowds are stunning, shocking, and terrifying!

What has happened to our nation that we love, that we have such warped people within it, who have no interest in facts or truth?

Tim Kaine Proves He Is Excellent Vice Presidential Choice, As Much As Walter Mondale, Al Gore, And Joe Biden!

Tim Kaine proved how great a choice he was for Hillary Clinton’s Vice Presidential running mate, in his debate last night with Mike Pence.

Pence was pitiful in his inability to defend Donald Trump’s words and actions, and his refusal to release his tax returns. Kaine clearly won the debate with his arguments, his aggressiveness, and his personality, while Pence was a “sleepy” and “low energy” opponent.

And yet, the Republicans are claiming they “won” the debate, and in fact, did, according to a CNN poll by 48 to 42, which is seen as simply the fact that Pence was more stable in his performance than Trump was in the first Presidential debate.

But many observers are saying Pence did more to help himself in a future potential Presidential bid in 2020, than he was able to improve Donald Trump”s public image.

It is clear that Hillary Clinton won the first Presidential debate, and her lead has surged to five to six points in most polls in “swing” states, with only Iowa and Ohio among “swing” states as outliers at the moment.

Tim Kaine is in the tradition of previous Democratic Vice Presidents Walter Mondale, Al Gore, and Joe Biden!

Republican And Conservative Exodus From Donald Trump Keeps On Growing

The list of Republican and Conservative public figures who refuse to endorse and support Donald Trump is massive. Following is an incomplete but extensive list.

It includes former elected Republican officials such as:

Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota
Senator Gordon Humphrey of New Hampshire
Senator Larry Pressler of South Dakota
Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine
Governor Jeb Bush of Florida
Governor William Milliken of Michigan]
Governor George Pataki of New York
Governor Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania
Governor Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey
Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas
Congressman Chris Shays of Connecticut
Congressman J C Watts of Oklahoma
Congressman Vin Weber of Minnesota

It includes elected Republican officials such as:

Senator Susan Collins of Maine
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois
Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska
Congressman Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania
Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lethinen of Florida
Congressman (and former Governor) Mark Sanford of South Carolina
Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts
Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland
Governor John Kasich of Ohio

Conservative Spokesmen

Glenn Beck
Mona Charen
Erick Erickson
Jonah Goldberg
Stephen Hayes
Bill Kristol
Jennifer Rubin
Ben Shapiro
Charlie Sykes
George Will
National Review editorially
The Weekly Standard editorially

Conservative and Republican Newspapers

Dallas Morning News
Arizona Republic
Cincinnati Enquirer
Detroit News
Houston Chronicle
New Hampshire Union Leader
Chicago Tribune

National Security Officials

Richard Armitage
Michael Chertoff
Michael Hayden
Robert Kagan
John Negroponte
Brent Scowcroft

Presidential Famiilies

George H. W. Bush
Barbara Bush
George W. Bush
Laura Bush
Jeb Bush
Ron Reagan Jr
Michael Reagan

A Real Choice For The Future: Tim Kaine Vs. Mike Pence, One Of Whom Could Be The 46th President Of The United States!

Little attention has been paid by news media to the upcoming Vice Presidential debate, but it really does matter.

One of these two men–Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine or Indiana Republican Governor Mike Pence–will be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and with their “boss” being either the second oldest or the oldest President at inauguration, that raises the possibility of succession, either by natural causes or by the hated thought of assassination, something that cannot be limited as a potential possibility in a very unsafe environment, both domestic and foreign.

And even if everything goes well, either man could be the heir apparent, and run for the Oval Office four or eight years hence.

It will be interesting to see their body language, their expressions, their knowledge level, their depth, their personality, as neither is known well by the general public.

While both can be said to be basically competent for the job they seek, a look at the public record and utterances of both makes clear that Tim Kaine is, by far, the preferable choice, as he is a mainstream Democrat, while Pence is connected to the right wing of the Republican Party, and has consorted with the Tea Party element in the party in his earlier years in the House of Representatives. Pence has come across as mean spirited, as in the case of an African American man convicted without just cause, finally gaining his freedom with a reversal of his wrongful conviction, but wanting a complete pardon so that his record is expunged, and unable to move ahead in his private life until such happens. But Pence is slow and reluctant to do anything, and one has to wonder, if the race of the individual is a factor.

Being willing to support Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does, might be understandable for a running mate, but it also indicates a lack of principle in asserting his own freedom from the most outrageous Presidential nominee in American history.

Kaine, by comparison, is a humane, decent, genuine, sincere man, who works well “across the aisle” in the Senate, and is admired and liked by many Republican Senators. He has social compassion for the poor, as when he did church work in Honduras, and learned the Spanish language. This is the kind of a man we need to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and one can be sure he will be utilized by Hillary Clinton effectively, as has been the case with Joe Biden under Barack Obama, Al Gore under Bill Clinton, and Walter Mondale under Jimmy Carter.