One unnoticed issue about the Donald Trump Cabinet is that the 45th President has, by far, the oldest group of Cabinet officers in all of American history.
A total of 11 people around Trump are from age 62 up to 79 as they take over their positions, making our government one run by “senior citizens”.
Understand that this blogger is technically a “senior citizen”, but he also is not taking on the burden of a high pressure, burdensome job working for a President of the United States, and to have the vast majority of those in charge of our future being those who have, probably, no more than 10-15 years left, in a natio in which half the population is under 35, brings up the issue of whether it is proper that so many “senior citizens”, who will not be personally affected long term, should be in charge of government policy that affects 325 million Americans.
Here are the cabinet members who fit into this category:
Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services, 62
Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, 64
Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor, 64
Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation, 64
Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 65
Andrew Puzder, Secretary of Labor, 66
Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy, 66
General John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, 66
General James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, 66
Jeff Sessions, Attorney General, 70
Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce, 79
And Donald Trump is 70 years and 7 months, 8 months older than Ronald Reagan, when he took the oath of office.
It must be admitted that Hillary Clinton is 69; Joe Biden is 74; and Bernie Sanders is 75, but it is highly likely that they would have brought in a much younger group of Cabinet officers.
Bring it on… Depends least it will stop the leak in government
Paul, Paul, Paul! LOL
Trump’s polling numbers have gone down since the election.
C-SPAN was mysteriously taken over by Russian TV. The interruption came as a Congresswoman delivered a speech critical of Trump and Russia.
It was a switching problem. C-span monitors RT and an engineer inadvertently hit a wrong button.
Instead of working on the economy, this is what the GOP is going to be working on now that they are in charge.
LOL! Another strange thing that occurred on TV. MSNBC broadcast froze and repeated Russia over and over again.
You answered my search well. Thanks. I also will search for same question regarding current S. Korean cabinet. P