Yesterday, April 12, 2017, was the 83rd day of the Trump Presidency, and we witnessed a complete turnabout by President Trump on Russia, China, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and American foreign policy in general.
This is absolutely startling, and the question is whether it is for real, or will Donald Trump change his mind next week or next month, or even the next day?
The shift in American foreign policy puts Donald Trump into the mainstream, when he was anything but that during his campaign and his first two and a half months in office.
Is this being done as a ploy to hold off and deter an investigation of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 Presidential campaign in favor of Donald Trump?
Is this being done because of the leaving of Michael Flynn and the likely soon to be leaving of Stephen Bannon from the administration, and if so, is it an indication that Donald Trump finally gets the message of the destructive behavior he engaged in toward allies and friendly nations after the election and until now, in mid April?
We are learning that having an inexperienced and ignorant President creates uncertainties and concern about the direction that the government is going in, and not only in foreign policy, but also in domestic policy.
Can we trust Donald Trump that he believes anything he says today will be the same at any time in the future?
The answer is NO, so we face difficult days ahead as we explore uncharted territory with a man who has no secure principles or beliefs, other than his own advancement.
The Donald is a self made MOAB ( Mother of all Bullshi**ers).
We are of the opinion that Trump doesn’t have any core principles.
Speaking of Russia, evidence is building that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
Every time new evidence comes to light, expect more bombings somewhere. Bombings get him raves from some in the press and they help distract from the mountain of evidence that is accumulating.
I hear Trumpty Dumbty’s border wall threatens endangered animals.
Trump tax return protests today.
Gallup poll regarding Trump’s promises.