Day: May 16, 2017

The “Blind, Deaf, And Dumb” Loyalists To Richard Nixon, And Now Donald Trump: Nothing Will Convince Them To Repudiate Their “Hero”!

Forty three years after Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace, and 23 years after his death, there are still Nixon loyalists who will swear that Nixon did nothing wrong, that the difference between him and other Presidents is that “he got caught”, a comment this blogger hears much too often, and causes me to roll my eyes, thinking what a moron such a person is, and moving on, shaking my head.

Well, now, we are seeing the same scenario with Donald Trump, who has his “blind, deaf, and dumb” loyalists who will swear by him no matter what he says or does, but if Barack Obama or Bill Clinton had said or done the same, they would be calling for his lynching!

Nothing will ever convince these Trump loyalists to repudiate their “hero”. They are helplessly “in love” with his persona, and this is very disturbing.

It is one thing to love and admire Franklin D. Roosevelt, or John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan, all of whom were in the mainstream political tradition.

But to admire a person who is reckless, worships authoritarian leadership, and undermines the concept of the rule of law, is a threat to our basic institutions of government.

Many do not wish to admit the truth, that we are in a constitutional crisis much greater than Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal, and bordering on the danger that the Civil War under Abraham Lincoln represented to the survival of American democracy.

We must not sit back and tune out what is going on, but instead need to organize massive marches and demonstrations to force the Republican Party majorities in Congress, the Trump Cabinet officers, and Vice President Mike Pence to do what is essential for America, not for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is NOT God, and his appointees must do the right thing, and announce their split with the President. The worst thing that could happen is that they are attacked by the extremist right wing forces that back Fascism, and they lose their paychecks. But they do not need their paychecks to survive, as millions of Americans do, and their reputation in history is endangered if they continue to back the lunatic who resides in the White House.

This is also true of Mike Pence, someone I do not admire, but has the constitutional responsibility to act, and move toward invoking the 25th Amendment, Section 4, immediately, taking authority as “Acting President” expeditiously!