Today is the 70th birthday of Hillary Clinton, who should have been the 45th President, and the first woman President.
Superbly qualified and experienced, she won a bigger popular vote victory than many Presidents, including recently, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter, along with others.
But the antiquated Electoral College system defeated her, and clearly, Russian collusion had an effect on vote totals in crucial states, and so, therefore, we were denied her right to be President, and instead have a crooked, corrupt President, who has accomplished nothing more than the division of the nation, and an extremely low public opinion poll rating, and faces removal from office soon, giving us right winger Mike Pence as the 46th President.
Tomorrow is the 159th anniversary of the birth of Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive Republican, who one can be assured, would be shocked and dismayed at the Trump Presidency for a multitude of reasons, but with the environment and conservation being probably the most infuriating issue of all for him. Another issue which would have upset him is changing the rule that controls on corporate campaign finance, limited since his time, are gone since the Citizens United Supreme Court case in 2010.
TR was the 26th President, and Hillary Clinton would have been number 45–so would have been the 20th from 1901 to the present.
They would have been great beginnings and ends of a period of growth of a progressive Presidency, with only a few reversals, under Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover in the 1920s and early 1930s, and Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, but with all others, good and bad, bringing SOME Progressive changes, until now with Donald Trump, who is working to undermine all of the changes brought about in the past 116 years of American history.
Ronald writes, “Today is the 70th birthday of Hillary Clinton, who should have been the 45th President, and the first woman President.â€
With all due respect, I disagree.
Very much agree, Professor.
D, you confuse me.
I knew you were not a big fan of Hillary Clinton, but I imagine you did not vote for Trump, Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein.
So your comment is hard to understand!
D probably sat at home on election day.
I’m sorry about the confusion.
I was referring to post-Election 2016. (Everything.)
Not clear what you are saying, D, so please explain!
In the following video, ex-MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan speaks to an important part of what I am getting at beginning with the mark of 02:36.
I heard this tape, but am not convinced that Dylan Ratigan is accurate.
The Democratic Party is in crisis, no question, but just not sure destroying the party by turning far to the left is the answer.
I remind you that the Democratic nominee for President won the popular vote every time since 1992, except for 2004, so six out of seven times, but losing twice due to the antiquated Electoral College.
I agree to disagree with Dylan Ratigan.
People like Dylan Ratigan are dooming the left to repeat 1968-1972 again.