Donald Trump has, in recent days, declared that his ten month Presidency is the best in American history, that no President has accomplished more than he has!
Is Donald Trump for real?
Is he totally delusional, or just a great massive liar?
He demonstrates his total ignorance of American history, as he forgets the first ten months of many other Presidencies.
Woodrow Wilson in 1913; Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933; Harry Truman in 1945; John F. Kennedy in 1961; Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964; Ronald Reagan in 1981; Barack Obama in 2009—all accomplished much more.
So did Abraham Lincoln in 1861; James K. Polk in 1845; Andrew Jackson in 1829; Thomas Jefferson in 1801; and George Washington in 1789.
Even far less significant Presidents accomplished more in their first ten months to a year.
And beyond the first nine to ten months or year, many other Presidents accomplished a great deal, with no sign that Donald Trump, were he to survive, would be able to do so.
After all, NO legislation has been passed, absolutely NONE!
His one accomplishment is Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, accomplished only by changing the filibuster rules of the US Senate.
Trump has done great damage to the judiciary; to the diplomatic community; to many government agencies through destructive appointments and actions by the executive branch.
NOTHING that has been done can be seen in a positive light, and all he cares about is his own self image.
Trump is out to destroy, rather than construct, and is uninterested in facts, and prefers conspiracy theories.
Donald Trump is a very sick man, a danger to the nation, and yet the Republican controlled Congress stands by, and refuses to take action against the menace that Donald Trump represents.
We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis, and it might not work out well.
Something is seriously wrong with him mentally.
New York Times is reporting that he’s doing birtherism again.
He’s now denying that the Access Hollywood tape is real.
Yesterday he was retweeting anti-Muslim videos from a white nationalist group in Britain.
Yet our Republican congress is more concerned about giving the rich a tax break for Christmas. *shakes head in disgust at them*
He’s also attacking Joe Scarborough again on Twitter.
And yet, we may never recover from the damage he has done in those 10 months.
You are totally correct, Fred!
Trump is obsessed with Hillary’s emails.
Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI, is cooperating with Mueller.
Sounds like Kushner is next to be locked up!
Timeline of collusion and obstruction of justice.