Donald Trump Tweets have given away how sick and demented he is.
One could argue that Twitter should ban the diatribes of President Trump, but the argument is that he is a world leader, and therefore, cannot be blocked.
The good side of this is that it proves to any sane person of Trump’s evil mind and soul, the basic way in which Trump is transparent, as he will not hold full fledged press conferences.
The bad side of this is that Trump comes across as totally vindictive, insulting, threatening, and abusive in most of the tweets he issues.
It is clear that while this is a new form of communication, it is not likely that it will be utilized in the future on the constant level that Trump uses it daily. It can be a very dangerous weapon.
We can only hope that Trump’s ridicule of and taunts at Kim Jong Un of North Korea will not lead to a massive war on the Korean peninsula, or the unleashing of nuclear weapons that could kill millions of people in North Korea, South Korea, and Japan, including Americans who live in Asia and those in the military defending South Korea.
If Trump’s loose tongue causes such a disaster, he will have committed mass murder, and should immediately be taken into custody as a war criminal.
If such a disaster as a massive war occurs, America will be stained forever by having allowed such a maniacal person to have authority as the President of the United States, and his Republican party will share the blame and responsibility for such disaster by refusing to consider removal of the President as unfit to serve.
Once again whining about his press coverage, Trump’s authoritarian streak returns with new threats of legal action.
Excellent post from No More Mister Nice Blog: GOP voters have a peculiar notion of what smart people are
Any of his comments are sick and/or demented. His “shithole” comment
was near the top the other day. The only shithole is the orifice beneath his nose that spews the cesspool that drains from his brain.
Yes, Paul, Trump is a total disgrace, and needs to be removed pronto, before he causes World War III or total destruction of the American economy!
The White House response was just as appalling as Trump’s original comment. Trying to normalize overt racism and equate it with patriotism.
CNN is saying some WH staffers are trying to spin this as likely to boost his standing among his Base. I’m guessing this is what they’re telling him to try to keep him from freaking out about the reaction.
It’s bad enough for Trump to spout racist nonsense.
What’s worse is his words are backed by racist policies.
I encourage everyone to vote straight ticket Democrat in 2018 as a protest against Trump.
It is the Graham’s, the Cotton’s, the Goodlatte’s and the Durbin’s refusal to stand up and walk the F out of that meeting and go on FOX and condemn this that is the real sorry end of it.
I assume Dick Durbin has, or will, make a condemnatory statement, as he is the assistant Senate leader under Chuck Schumer!
OMG, every single day it’s worse and worse. I just don’t know how much more we can take.
Rachel Maddow says they are trying to find out from the lawmakers who were in the room whether or not they condemned him while they were in the meeting.
Silence by the Republicans shows they are moral cowards.
He Tweeted this morning. And, as usual, he denies it.
This is why Lawrence is one of our favorite pundits on MSNBC.
Lawrence O’Donnell went straight to a subject other members of the media are afraid to touch. O’Donnell discussed in detail Trump’s hate-filled and failing brain.
His first State of the Union is coming up soon. Should be an interesting speech.
Durbin has rebuked Trump’s comments and confirms that Trump said it more than once.
Trump is having his medical exam today. I’m hoping for a bad report.
The Congressional Black Caucus is going to be pursuing a censure resolution against Trump next week.
Congress pursuing censure against the President would mean publicly reprimanding him as a formal state of disapproval.
Now there’s news about one of Trump’s lawyers arranged a $130,000 cash payment just before the election to a porn star in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual encounter.