Donald Trump has proved yet again that he is a total moron, with his suggestion that some teachers and coaches and administrators should be armed on school campuses.
I propose we try that with Trump, by taking away his Secret Service, giving him a handgun and put him out in public, and I guarantee he would not last long, particularly with the amount of hate millions of Americans feel about the 45th President.
It is asinine and preposterous to think a person not trained in law enforcement, even if he or she knew how to use a firearm, would have the courage, and mental and emotional stability to actually fire a weapon and kill someone, which when it happens, often destroys that person with guilt, even if he or she is killing a bad person.
Also, if the police arrive and a person has a gun, how are they to know whether such person is a good guy or a bad guy?
And in trying to use a firearm, others, including innocent students, could become victims by accident, increasing the emotional shock on the person using the firearm.
When police come across someone who is a threat with a firearm, they ask for backup forces, as otherwise it is a suicide mission.
Schools are not supposed to be war zones, and even a teacher or administrator could have an emotional breakdown, and suddenly become a threat to students and fellow teachers, although not originally intended.
To think that a firearm protects anyone in any situation, consider those who lock up their weapons away from their children, as otherwise they might gain access and shoot themselves or their friends or family by accident.
But if weapons are locked up, what good is that when one faces an intruder and cannot open the lock and set up the firearm in a short period of time while emotionally distraught over the threat that exists?
Additionally, teachers are meant to teach, and are not paid well enough to take on an extra burden, when tens of thousands are already abandoning the classroom, disgusted at the lack of respect and decent pay, benefits and conditions of work, and often have to spend out of their own salary for school supplies.
Schools need to have more money and support, but in a crisis situation, law enforcement personnel are the only alternative, along with better security measures on the campus itself.
Once again, Donald Trump has no clue, and in reality, little compassion and empathy for anyone, only concerned as always about himself, and no one else!
Trump claimed yesterday that he would be a superhero, running into the building where the shooting was occurring.
Here’s how Trump would really react in the face of danger: