It is now almost 15 months since Donald Trump took the oath of office, and the nation has been fortunate that no major crisis had arisen.
But now, it has arrived, the Syria Crisis, enmeshed with Trump’s abuse of the Constitution, and the threat to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller and or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, with the raid on the offices, home, and hotel rooms of Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen.
The Republican Congress has been unwilling to pass legislation to prevent the firing of Mueller or Rosenstein. And Trump is threatening Russia and Iran over the Syrian use of chemical warfare, and Russia has interfered with American drones over Syria, so this is a massive crisis, which could lead to a major war in the Middle East with the US vs Russia.
Trump has made clear he will bomb Syria in a tweet this morning, after having said he would not give out military information before it occurs, and that has only ratcheted up the rhetoric and threats between Trump and Vladimir Putin’s government, and one wonders if it is just rhetoric, or whether direct conflict between the US and Russia is in the offing.
It is certainly proper that the US react to the chemical warfare by Syria, but the way it is being done is alarming, and signals a crisis which may get out of control.
The true test of how disastrous Donald Trump can be is now in the offing, and we all need to pray, even if not religious, as this is a major test of American leadership, and the protection of American values!
Trumpty Dumbty tweeted this morning, bragging about bombing Syria.
The Cry Baby In Chief is whining this morning on Twitter: “Never said when we would attack Syria. Could be soon or could be not so soon.”
We’ve started bombing Syria. France and UK are also bombing.
I hear that Trumpty Dumbty tweeted this morning: “Mission Accomplished!”
Brings back bad memories of Dubya.