All observers of Donald Trump and his Presidency know the basic character of the man.
He lacks any element of compassion, empathy, and common decency.
He does not care who he harms, insults, upsets, destroys, as long as he benefits in his ego and his pocketbook.
He disposes of people as if they are vermin, and demands total loyalty, while he has absolutely no such loyalty on his part to anyone, including his three wives and his children, and all of the people he has “used” in his quest for yet more wealth and power.
He does not have a sense of dignity and proper behavior, whether in public or private.
He has a hair trigger temper, and is a nightmare to work for and to be in his presence.
And yet, he has people who he uses and disposes of, who quietly leave, and so far, have not uttered a negative word about him in public.
Not one has yet held a press conference or agreed to an interview by any journalist to “spill the beans” about Trump.
Not one has yet published a book about his experiences with Trump.
It is clear, however, that many people who have worked with Donald Trump have, willingly or unwillingly, behind the scenes, testified to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
So now that it has been a year (on May 17) since Mueller was hired to investigate the Trump Administration, after the firing of FBI head James Comey, it would seem as if many revelations are coming, and that indictments are due to occur soon, and that the case against Donald Trump, the most disgusting human being imaginable, will finally be exposed, and Trump will meet his “Karma”.