Day: May 16, 2018

Disrespect For Senator John McCain Another Sign Of Totally Disgraceful Behavior By Trump And His Staff

The controversy over the disgraceful comments of Kelly Sadler, a Trump White House staff member, about Senator John McCain should have been resolved days ago, with the firing of this woman who has no decency or morals, in making fun of the Arizona Senator as he lays in a position of suffering from cancer, and possible death soon.

What should have been an apology by the Trump White House instead has been one of complaining about the leak of what Kelly Sadler said, and it demonstrates just how evil and despicable Donald Trump is.

Trump has never apologized for anything he or his staff has said or done in his three years since entering the Presidential race.

But his whole life has been one of mean spirited and nasty behavior in the business and social world as well.

This issue is worsened by the unwillingness of Republicans in Congress to condemn him or demand an apology from Kelly Sadler.

Donald Trump, a draft dodger, who has never contributed anything positive other than enriching himself, proves once again that he has no dignity or decency, while John McCain is a true American hero, much to be admired and praised.

Let us hope McCain recovers sufficiently to have a longer life span, as is the case with Jimmy Carter.