Month: September 2018

The Public Commemoration Of John McCain Should NOT Be Repeated When Donald Trump’s Life Ends

The public commemoration and celebration of the life of Senator John McCain of Arizona at his funeral is a wonderful moment in American history, designed to remind us and future generations of this great man.

But this national ceremony seriously should NOT be repeated in the future when Donald Trump’s time on earth comes to an end.

One might ask: Why so “hardhearted”, why so “harsh and vindictive” a viewpoint as this one?

The reason is clear, and is becoming more so every day: Donald Trump is a TRAITOR, who collaborated with the Russians, and was able to “win” the election through fraud and deceit, something never anywhere matched in American history by any President.

We have had our traitors, and one was the 10th President, John Tyler, who when the Civil War came on, gave up his loyalty to the Union that he had led for three years and 11 months from 1841-1845. Tyler renounced his citizenship, and was chosen as part of the Confederate Congress in 1861, a regrettable action, which would stain his reputation forever. When he died in early 1862, the US government refused to recognize officially that he had passed away, and refused to lower the flags to half staff, which is traditional for any President up to now, except John Tyler.

The behavior and actions of Donald Trump merit an equivalent response in the future, so when the time comes, there should be no official recognition of his death, and no flying of the American flag at half staff. Of course, the news media will cover the reality of Trump’s demise, and private citizens could fly their own flags at half staff, but officially, there should be no honors or recognition of Trump.

There also should be no official national funeral, although clearly funeral services would be organized, and would be reported.

And there should be no official financial support of a Donald Trump Presidential Library and Museum, with federal taxpayer dollars, for the building or the support of such library and museum in the long term future.

Instead, like with Richard Nixon originally, private money and support built the museum. Only when it was finally accepted that the Nixon Library and Museum would tell the honest story of Nixon and Watergate, was it permitted that it become part of the Presidential Library system and have public taxpayer support for its further growth and development.

This blogger visited the Nixon Library and Museum in 2017, and was very impressed with the validity and truth presented by the massive revision of exhibits, a balanced portrait of Nixon and his life, and no more covering up of the wrongs perpetrated by Nixon and his collaborators in trying to undermine democracy.

If in the future, a Trump Library and Museum is willing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the life and Presidency of Donald Trump, including all of the evils and shortcomings, and lawlessness that Trump and his lackeys engaged in, then public funding and support, as with the Nixon case, would be appropriate.

The point is that “the truth shall set you free” should be the motto, and future generations should know of the treason and sins of the 45th President, so that hopefully, never again, will the United States and our democracy be subjected to another nightmare similar to the one we are going through now in 2018!