Fox News Channel’s Speakers For The Truth: Shepard Smith And Chris Wallace

Liberals and progressives have long pilloried Fox News Channel for its distorted, biased, and misleading coverage of the news, particularly now about Donald Trump.

However, while it is true that many of their journalists, and particularly their talk show hosts (including Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine Pirro), are constantly engaged in this malpractice, it is important to salute two speakers for the truth, who are not intimidated one iota by the propagandists up high.

These are Shepard Smith, who is on at the 3 pm daily hour Monday to Friday, and Chris Wallace, who has a weekly show on Sunday mornings on Fox.

They have both been honorable and courageous, and have not caved in to Donald Trump, and they are both refreshing, and give some hope that their honesty and decency might permeate Fox News, and make them aware of the dangers Donald Trump presents to the Constitution, and to our domestic and foreign policy.

21 comments on “Fox News Channel’s Speakers For The Truth: Shepard Smith And Chris Wallace

  1. Pragmatic Progressive January 10, 2019 12:46 pm

    I second this.

  2. D January 13, 2019 7:50 pm

    Two worthwhile videos on Tucker Carlson regarding the substance of separate topic discussions on his program are coming up.

    The first video, published December 13, 2018, is an interview between Carlson and political scientist Mark Blyth. Noted by Wikipedia,” Blyth “argues that there are similar anti-establishment movements across the developed world.”

  3. D January 13, 2019 7:54 pm

    In the second video, published December 29, 2018, Tucker Carlson welcomed guest David Tafui, an adviser in the Obama campaign. Carlson and Tafuri discuss the U.S.’s involvement in Syria.

  4. Rational Lefty January 13, 2019 10:30 pm

    It’s not anti-establishment. It’s Fascism, like the Nazis in the 1930s. It’s not a good thing.

  5. Former Republican January 13, 2019 10:53 pm

    Quite right, ladies! Trump may not be Hitler, but there are disturbing similarities in his language and reactionary policies.

  6. D January 14, 2019 7:23 pm

    Rational Left,

    What are you writing about?

  7. Rustbelt Democrat January 14, 2019 10:28 pm

    She’s saying the same as what the rest of us are saying – that Trump is a Fascist.

  8. Rational Lefty January 14, 2019 10:50 pm

    D – Far right extremists coming to power around the globe, with their xenophobia, is like the 1930s all over again. It’s a threat to democracy around the world.

  9. Rational Lefty January 14, 2019 10:54 pm

    Precisely, Rustbelt. It’s Fascism on the rise again.

  10. Pragmatic Progressive January 15, 2019 12:20 pm

    D – PBS, The Associated Press, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, and many other mainstream news outlets have been reporting about far right parties in Europe winning elections. These far right groups have been inspired by Trump’s racist rhetoric about immigrants, spouting the same hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric he does. This rise in xenophobia is the same kind of thing that happened in the 1930s. That’s what Rational Lefty and the rest of us are talking about. It’s very concerning to see this happening.

  11. D January 15, 2019 10:24 pm

    Pragmatic Progressive,

    The videos I posted weren’t focused on that topic.

    They were focused on Ronald’s blog topic.

  12. Princess Leia January 16, 2019 9:38 am

    Getting specifically to this blog topic, it’s about Fox News is Trump’s propaganda outlet, telling lies instead of facts.

  13. Princess Leia January 16, 2019 10:54 am

    In regards to what that Blyth guy said about “global Trumpism” being “anti a establishment” movements, we have been pointing out to you that he is wrong and we are telling you what is really happening.

  14. Pragmatic Progressive January 16, 2019 12:11 pm

    Thanks for that, Leia. That Blyth guy leaves out the fact that Islamophobia is a unifying factor in these far right groups in Europe.

    Here’s a report from The Guardian talking about racism being a central element of these groups:

    The basic fact is that there are white people around the world who are scared of a changing culture.

  15. D January 16, 2019 1:51 pm

    Pragmatic Progressive writes,

    “D – PBS, The Associated Press, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, and many other mainstream news outlets have been reporting about far right parties in Europe winning elections. These far right groups have been inspired by Trump’s racist rhetoric about immigrants, spouting the same hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric he does. This rise in xenophobia is the same kind of thing that happened in the 1930s. That’s what Rational Lefty and the rest of us are talking about. It’s very concerning to see this happening.”

    Have you given thought to how this is possible?

  16. Rational Lefty January 16, 2019 4:38 pm

    Multiple studies have been done of the 2016 election. These studies use voting data to compile their reports.

    The conclusion from all these multiple studies shows that there is tremendous evidence that Trump voters were motivated by racial resentment, as well as hostile sexism, and very little evidence that economic stress had anything to do with it.

    These studies show that racial issues became the key political dividing line in a way they were not in either 2008 or 2012.

    These studies show that American politics are likely to only get more polarized on racial lines.

  17. Pragmatic Progressive January 16, 2019 6:32 pm

    I prefer the term “cultural resentment” because race is just one facet. Resentment of the LGBT community and feminists is also part of the toxic stew.

  18. Southern Liberal January 17, 2019 1:22 pm

    Tucker Carlson has made bigoted comments about immigrants on his show, so I don’t appreciate videos of him here.

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