Day: August 5, 2019

Racist, White Nationalist,White Supremacist Donald Trump Has Blood On His Hands, And Anyone Who Still Supports Him Does Too!

It is time to stop having excuses for those who support Donald Trump.

The El Paso and Dayton Massacres are finally a time to come to reality: that anyone who apologizes for, or excuses for, or thinks Donald Trump has viable ideas about race, nativism, white supremacy, white racism, is clearly one himself or herself.

Donald Trump has promoted racial animus for four years now, and has led to the worst outbreak of violence by impressionable young white men, a far greater threat than Islamic terrorism has wrought upon this nation.

Donald Trump talks about an Hispanic invasion, and defies history, that Texas and the Southwest have been Hispanic for centuries, and it was the United States which took half of Mexico away in the mid 19th century. It was the United States which fueled violence and bloodshed in Central America under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, creating the turmoil in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which has led to the mass of victims trying to escape bloodshed, violence and terror in those nations, which has fueled desperate women and children to try to escape for their lives, as much as Jews and other refugees in Europe tried to escape Adolf Hitler three quarters of a century ago.

Donald Trump has encouraged violence and inspired crowds of racists, nativists, white supremacists, white nationalists to chant horrible utterances that for Hispanics in America, whether legal or undocumented, make them fear for their lives. And the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has become no better than a Gestapo in Nazi Germany, rounding up people and separating children from their parents, who are being blamed for wanting to give their children a better life, something anyone who has children would want.

Imagine the horror of those Hispanics in El Paso, who now have to fear that ICE will hunt them down after the massacre, and separate their family members for deportation after such a tragic event! Does any person deserve to have that fear of their government, and yet, this is just the beginning!

Who cares if the economy is going well, although most of it was due to Barack Obama’s stewardship, who actually revived the American economy, and Trump is simply benefiting from that? The economy was great in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, but we know what that led to, mass murder!

When one saw Trump laugh in the Florida Panhandle when someone in the audience said “Shoot Them” after his comment about the so called “Caravan” that never existed, one wonders what kind of message is that to the younger generation. Is it an endorsement of murdering Hispanics or Muslims or Jews or African Americans, who threaten the dominance of white Christians, who will, indeed, be a minority of America in the 2040s and beyond?

It is finally time to say no more excuses! If you, reading this, can justify and defend Donald Trump, you are yourself a racist, nativist, white supremacist, white nationalist, and deserve no defense, as you are a terrible human being who backs the demagogue in the White House, who does not give a whit about you, except to use you as a method to destroy the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the image of the Statue of Liberty.

Were Trump, God Forbid, to be reelected by this chanting mob of despicable human beings, who can say that extermination of “undesirables” would not be the next step? Look in your heart and spend some time thinking about that and repent for your sins!