Day: August 22, 2019

Journalism Keeps Us Free And Informed: Pulitzer Prizes In Journalism And Abusive Government In Conflict

In the midst of a massive attack on the free press by Donald Trump and his supporters, it is instructive to look at the role of major newspapers in informing the American people and keeping us free.

This is the record of the history of the Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism, the top eleven recipients over more than a century:

New York Times–127

Washington Post–47

Los Angeles Times–45

Wall Street Journal–37

Chicago Tribune–27

Boston Globe–26

Miami Herald–22

St. Louis Post Dispatch–19

Atlanta Journal Constitution–17

Des Moines Register–17

Baltimore Sun–15

Five of these newspapers are in the Northeast; Two in the Southeast; Three in the Midwest; and One on the Pacific Coast.

399 Pulitzer Prizes for the top eleven Newspapers in America!

“The Truth Shall Set You Free!”

The free press will outlive the threat of Donald Trump, as it has for other government leaders, most notably Richard Nixon, who have criticized the truth telling and revelations of the top news media!