Day: September 10, 2019

Donald Trump Should Be Banned From Twitter, As He Undermines Foreign Policy And Domestic Stability By His Constant Lies And Utterances

This blogger and author is a true believer in freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

Having said that, there is the urge to try to, somehow, ban Donald Trump from Twitter, as our President undermines foreign policy and domestic stability by his constant lies and utterances on Twitter.

Trump shows all of his worst characteristics on a daily basis, and Twitter has banned some people who promote hate and division, but will not do so for Trump.

Of course, if he was, somehow, banned, it would cause such a ruckus, and Twitter would have to reverse itself.

And, of course, if that happened, that Trump was off Twitter, he could still do what he is best at, disrupt the American people with his rants and raves to the media outside the White House, which has become his new method of personal communication, rather than the formal press conferences, which became a joke and a disaster under Sarah Huckabee Sanders for two years.

So, in reality, the dream of silencing Donald Trump is just that, a dream, a nightmare, that will not end until Donald Trump is out of the Presidency.