Having just on Saturday night seen the Mr. Rogers film, “A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood”, with Fred Rogers brilliantly portrayed by actor Tom Hanks, this author and blogger came away from this wonderful tribute with the thought that this is the precisely kind of person we need to be our future President.
Mr. Rogers was a wonderful, compassionate, caring, empathetic, decent human being, promoting good will and concern and genuineness about the present and future condition of children and, really, of all mankind.
We have been through the most monstrous evil imaginable, in a President who has absolutely none of the attributes of Mr. Rogers.
We have a nation where children are mistreated by their own government for the sin of being the children of undocumented immigrants, or because they are poor, or of minority status.
We have a political party that exhibits the same ugly, disgraceful, sinful behavior of their President, and have no conscience or morality about what they have been doing to divide America, and promote white supremacy.
The sins that America has witnessed must be overcome, and a new beginning in the direction of what Mr. Rogers lived his life to do, must be the successor, or the American dream of openness and opportunity will be irreparably lost.
We plan to see it when we get a chance.
Ms. LeTourneau nails it for me.