The Death Of Truth: Facts Are Facts, Despite Right Wing Attacks

America is in a sad time, when we have extremist Right Wing Talk Radio, Right Wing websites, and Fox News Channel creating fiction as truth.

If left up to them, we would have the death of truth, but facts are facts, despite the right wing constant barrage of propaganda, worthy of a dictatorship, not a democracy.

Errors are made by the major news media, but most of the time, what they report is factual and accurate.

When someone says do not trust the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN, along with lesser sources of mostly accurate news, the response must be to act vehemently in the face of those who wish to manipulate and lie and distort and divide America, and undermine its Constitution and Bill of Rights.

If not for the Washington Post and New York Times in particular, back in the era of Richard Nixon, Watergate would never have resulted in his resignation.

So hopefully, the readers of this blog are intelligent and educated enough to dismiss the right wing media, as pure propaganda and lies, and not to be trusted or believed.

2 comments on “The Death Of Truth: Facts Are Facts, Despite Right Wing Attacks

  1. Jeffrey Moebus November 29, 2019 9:36 am

    “If not for the Washington Post and New York Times in particular, back in the era of Richard Nixon, Watergate would never have resulted in his resignation.”

    That was then, Doc; and this is now. far more important than ousting Nixon was “The Pentagon Papers,” which outed the whole Viet Nam War Lie.

    Since those days, Your MSM has been as guilty of mis-, dis-, and mal-information as any Right Wing Echo Chamber. It started with the NYT and Saddam’s WMDs. Remember?

  2. Former Republican November 29, 2019 10:05 pm

    I second what the Professor said.

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