Day: December 28, 2019

Pure Insanity: $200 Million Spent On Campaign Commercials By Michael Bloomberg And Tom Steyer!

It is pure insanity that two Democratic Presidential contenders, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer, both multi billionaires, have together spent $200 million on their Presidential campaign commercials, with Bloomberg wasting $120 million, and Steyer $80 million, more than all of the other Presidential contenders combined!

Bloomberg has not been willing to contend in the February caucuses and primaries, and has not participated in any debates, and seems to think he can buy his way into the Presidency, and he needs to be repudiated for that alone.

While Steyer has been competing in the caucus and primary states in February, and has been in a couple of debates, he must, also, be repudiated for using his personal wealth in pursuit of the Presidency.

The Citizens United case of the Supreme Court must be reversed somehow, but it seems highly unlikely anytime soon, as the only method is a constitutional amendment, or another case coming to the Supreme Court and leading to a reversal, nearly impossible in the present political climate of the Court, with two new Trump appointees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

But the Democratic voters need to give a smashing repudiation to both Bloomberg and Steyer once the voting starts in five and a half weeks from now!