Day: March 1, 2020

Overwhelming Biden Victory In South Carolina Makes Super Tuesday Even More Significant

After Joe Biden’s resounding, convincing victory by more than two to one over Bernie Sanders, and winning nearly 50 percent of the total South Carolina Primary vote yesterday, the race has led to a true showdown on Super Tuesday!

The question is whether South Carolina can have a dramatic effect on the 14 states that vote on Tuesday, as Bernie Sanders seems to have the edge in most of that group of states.

Meanwhile, Tom Steyer has dropped out, and likely the same will happen with Amy Klobuchar after Tuesday, particularly if she does not win her home state of Minnesota.

And Elizabeth Warren is fighting hard but performing poorly, and if she cannot win her home state of Massachusetts over Bernie Sanders, who already defeated her in neighboring New Hampshire, then it is likely her candidacy is over!

Pete Buttigieg also faces a potential turning point, and everyone will be watching to see if Michael Bloomberg’s spending of more than $400 million in advertising does anything to promote his candidacy.

For anyone who is a political junkie, Super Tuesday will be a very exciting day, with the likelihood of possibly as few as three candidates left standing–Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg—all three reaching 80 in the next Presidential term, and two of the three being Jewish.

Somehow, the feeling is present that Pete Buttigieg will continue to contest, but right now, the future is not bright.