America is about to witness the greatest loss of life in our history in a short time, over the next six months!
The death toll from the CoronaVirus Pandemic is already on the way to being the greatest of any nation in the world, with Donald Trump being responsible for a delay in reaction to the realities of medicine and science!
And when one looks at death statistics of all of our wars since 1775, it is truly sobering to realize we are likely to see more loss of life in 2020 than in all of America’s conflicts combined!
Witness the following statistics on deaths in wartime, using the information available from varying sources and in many cases, rounded off as impossible to be precise on figures:
American Revolutionary War 4,435
War Of 1812 2,260
Indian Wars (1817-1898) approx 1,000
Mexican War 1,733
Civil War both Union and Confederate 750,000
Spanish American War 385
Philippine-American War 4,196
World War I 116,000
World War II 405,000
Korean War 54,000
Vietnam War 58,000
Persian Gulf War 383
Iraq War 4,500
Afghanistan War 2,200
This adds up to 1,404,092 as rough figures, so over 1.4 million deaths.
Now we are told by Donald Trump and others, if we are “lucky”, we will lose “only” a range of 100,000 to 240,000 people, meaning greater than all wars except the Civil War and World War II!
But the dire prediction is that America could lose up to 2.2 million people, worst scenario, more than 50 percent higher than all wars combined!
The higher estimated figure would mean about two thirds of one percent of Americans could die in 2020, higher than all wars, except the Civil War, where it is estimated that 2 percent of Americans died.
And realize, this loss of life is within one year, not multiple years of war!
The Civil War created, no joke, a man shortage compared to women that was not overcome until immigration numbers promoted a balance of men and women. Many women never married as a result, and became, instead, teachers, social workers, nurses and other occupations that put them in contact regularly with children, just not their own..
Another statistic is deaths per day in wartime, with the highest estimate being 520 in the Civil War, 297 in World War II, and 279 in World War I. We will sadly surpass these numbers as this pandemic rages!
Queen Elizabeth’s speech today -
That’s the kind of leadership we need to hear at this time.
I totally agree, Princess Leia, and the Queen will be 94 on April 21, God Bless Her!
Apparently this virus can jump from humans back to animals. A tiger at the Bronx Zoo tested positive for the virus.
Rustbelt and I have a couple of cats and a dog, so now, we’re worried about them, in addition to our other family members.
A new study shows that cats can get the disease. Ferrets too. Dogs are not susceptible.
Trump’s twin in the UK has been hospitalized.
Trump and Fox “News” are attacking Andrew Cuomo and Dr. Fauci.
We now have a couple of cases of the virus in our county.
Trump’s Mob Boss Approach to Critical Medical Supplies
He is confiscating shipments and bullying those who don’t comply.
Heard an update about Boris Johnson today. He’s in ICU. He acted exactly like Trump, downplaying the virus, not taking precautions seriously.
Just saw a video on Jake Tapper’s show about investigating the origins of the virus. They know it came from bats. They showed a video of a wet market in China, where they think it might have jumped to humans. Wet markets put people and live and dead animals — dogs, chickens, pigs, snakes, civets, and more — in constant close contact. It looked very unhealthy.
It’s like the movie Contagion. Bat poops in the pig’s food. Pig eats the food. Pig gets slaughtered for a restaurant. People get sick from eating the pig. Virus then spreads from human to human.
The Crook in Chief has started a war against oversight. Today he got rid of the inspector general tasked with overseeing the coronavirus emergency funds.