So much attention in the news is always about famous people, wealthy people, controversial people!
How about some attention to the true heroes who often work for minimum wage, and those who sacrifice at work every day without the CoronaVirus Pandemic, or with it, more noticed now!
The true heroes are unsung, including those who work in supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, gas stations, and many other “essential” fields of work!
The true heroes also are the transit workers, those who deliver the mail, first responders (police, fire, emergency medical), and the nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel, who are working long hours trying to save lives, and despairing at the high death count!
This is also a time to appreciate the efforts of teachers, who suddenly parents realize what a tough and thankless job they have in educating the nation’s children, as now parents must become teachers, and not take the educators of the nation for granted!
But notice, not a real tribute to all of these workers coming from the President of the United States. while Joe Biden, his opponent, has spoken plenty about the sacrifices of these different categories of workers!
But that is because Joe Biden, whether you agree with him on all public issues, is fundamentally, a decent, compassionate, genuine, sincere person with real empathy and concern for others, the precise opposite of the cold, uncaring personality of our President!
Joe Biden’s personality traits are exactly what we need in the Presidency, to heal the nation and move forward into an uncertain future!
What is the significance of the fact that 59% of the total reported cases and 73% of the total reported deaths have occurred in Italy, Spain, France, the UK, and the US? All this in nations that comprise 7.5% of the total world population.
Is this in fact, a “global” pandemic, or is it a very localized one, primarily limited to western Europe and the middle of North America?
Jeffrey, I have done nothing to ban you, and already indicated I do not believe in limitation of freedom of speech!
All your three comments have been posted, but since you have finally had your chance to say your piece, I will eliminate the first two that say that you could not say what you wanted to say, since you have!
However, as you know, you have alienated other readers, so maybe the fact that you have, for some reason, had problems, is a sign that you are not exactly pleasing the elements! LOL
Thank You, Doctor. So, do You have any thoughts on my question:
What is the significance of the fact that 59% of the total reported cases and 73% of the total reported deaths have occurred in Italy, Spain, France, the UK, and the US? All this in nations that comprise 7.5% of the total world population.
Is this in fact, a “global†pandemic, or is it a very localized one, primarily limited to western Europe and the middle of North America?
Jeffrey, it is hard to understand why this is happening in the way that it is.
I do not believe in conspiracy theories, but certainly, it is a sign of danger that the most advanced countries, and particularly the US, is in such a massive crisis, with no early or systematic end to it.
One does not have to be “religious” to pray for an end to this nightmare, but I do believe that the President and the Governors of Texas and Florida (second and third largest populations in America, and together 50 million) need to pay attention to science, not to economic profits.
Sadly, I predict they will not do so, and the loss of life will be much more massive as a result.
If that happens, they will be condemned in history for causing a greater loss of life in a short time than Vietnam, Korea and all “smaller” wars since World War II combined!
Yes, it’s a global pandemic. Cases have been everywhere, on every continent, except, of course, Antarctica.
Former Republican is correct. Here’s a map.
Yes, it is “global” in the sense that virtually every place but Antarctica has or has had at least one case.
But the fact that 59% of the total cases and 73% of the total deaths have occurred in four nations in western Europe and the US [that contain about 7.5% of the world’s total population] does not make it “global” in the sense that it is having the same medical impact all over the planet.
That is what i am talking about when i say global.
Jeffrey, you are correct, as also I would think the sanitation conditions in much of the world are far worse than the US and European nations, so it is an extremely odd situation, to say the least!
Also, North Korea and Yemen and South Sudan are among some nations, the rest far less in size or significance, which have not reported any cases, hmmm!
Pope Francis has said the coronavirus pandemic could be one of “nature’s responses” to humans ignoring the current ecological crisis of climate change.
I quite agree with him.
I saw on TV that pollution has dropped because of people staying at home.
I agree, Rational Lefty, completely with Pope Francis!
We had a bad storm come through our town last week. We had pea size hail, trees down. Got another threat of severe weather coming through Monday sometime between midnight and noon. I hate it when this type of weather comes through during the nighttime hours.
Princess Leia, I agree, but when is there a good time for this kind of severe weather to come through any location?
RF: Jeffrey, it is hard to understand why this is happening in the way that it is.
That it is, in deed and indeed, Doctor. That’s what I am trying to do here [and elsewhere] by asking these questions.
RF: I do not believe in conspiracy theories, but certainly, it is a sign of danger that the most advanced countries, and particularly the US, is in such a massive crisis, with no early or systematic end to it.
Let me ask You something, Professor. Defining a conspiracy as a coordinated action by two or more people to commit a crime: was the incident in the Tonkin Gulf that never happened back in 1964 the result of a conspiracy to get us into Viet Nam? Or was the “Kuwaiti Incubabator Babies” lie back in 1991 the result of a conspiracy to get us into Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and establish a full-time combat-ready presence in the Middle East, something we’d been trying to figure out how to do since the end of WW II, if not WW I? Or, back in 2003, was that carefully choreographed tale of Saddam’s WMDs and “mushroom clouds as proof” the outcome of another conspiracy? And are these “conspiracy theories,” or actual, real, historical life and death conspiracies carried out at the highest levels of government? And what about the financial “¢ri$i$” back in 2008? Think two or more people got together to make that happen?
And speaking of “conspiracy theories”; have You seen this: Nearly three-in-ten Americans believe COVID-19 was made in a lab. About three-in-ten Americans believe COVID-19 was created in a lab. As news and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic has spread, many Americans have encountered conflicting narratives about how the new coronavirus originated. Scientists have determined the virus came about naturally, but there is some uncertainty about how it first infected people. [ ]
RF: One does not have to be “religious†to pray for an end to this nightmare, but I do believe that the President and the Governors of Texas and Florida (second and third largest populations in America, and together 50 million) need to pay attention to science, not to economic profits.
One of the problems with that, Doc, is ~ again ~ the numbers. With their 50 million people, Florida and Texas combined have 16% of the US population. They also have, between them, only 6% of the declared C-19 cases, and 4% of the deaths. They also have a combined 7% of the nation’s total 17 million Unemployment Filings over the past three weeks [FL: 472,000; TX: 745,000]. I’m not so sure that this is about economic profits as much as it is economic survival.
And Which “Science”? Last week the best science was telling us that there was going to be a “new Pearl Harbor” and “new 9/11” for America. Remember that? That doomsday scenario has changed considerably by this weekend, wouldn’t You agree?
RF: Sadly, I predict they will not do so, and the loss of life will be much more massive as a result. If that happens, they will be condemned in history for causing a greater loss of life in a short time than Vietnam, Korea and all “smaller†wars since World War II combined!
Well, at least we’re not talking about more deaths than ALL of America’s wars combined, as You were talking about last week, eh? Like I said: Do You ever wonder what happened to that “new Pearl Harbor” and “new 9/11” week that we were assured by the highest authorities was going to happen last week? Looks like it didn’t quite happen the way they claimed; but that sure got everybody’s attention, didn’t it?
It will be interesting to see what happens to case and death rates in those States should they choose to go back to work. As it will be interesting to see what happens to all those people who defy their lockdowns to gather for Easter Sunday worship.
Jeffrey, you make many interesting points, no question, and at this point, no answers!
Let us hope it works out for the least loss of life, and the shortest duration!
The definition of a conspiracy theory is that it is a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.
It’s not true that the virus was created in a lab. That theory has been thoroughly debunked. (
Easing social distancing restrictions too early is going to result in a second explosion of infections and deaths. Dr. Fauci is the one to listen to, not Trump.
Polling conducted recently showed that, even if restrictions were lifted May 1, for example, many people would still be scared to resume normal life.
I totally agree, and do NOT accept conspiracy theories, and we must have social distancing for a long time!
And I would be reluctant to go out to restaurants and other places with large numbers of people for quite awhile!
The constitutionality and practicality of lockdowns is not a trivial question. Lockdowns are not sustainable, so in practice there will be cycles of lockdown and release, along with waves of reinfection. It will be a game of whack-a-mole. Testing would help, if we had it. Or trusted leadership. Expect no normalcy until a vaccine, and a new normal afterwards.
Yes, the point of lockdowns is not to crush the virus; just to keep the level of infection low enough so the medical treatment system is not overwhelmed.
I’m stunned at what seems to be an idea that “we get through this infection peak and things can start getting back to normal.” As you say, there will be no normal until there is a good vaccine.
Our governor is busy this week signing progressive legislation.
While I am not thrilled by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam in many ways, it is a blessing that Virginia has a Democratic governor who is taking actions where he can, against the monstrous right wing Republican disease so common in the South and Midwest!
Rustbelt Democrat: “It’s not true that the virus was created in a lab. That theory has been thoroughly debunked.”
Who said anything about C-19 being created in a lab?
The issue under discussion is How the COVID-19 Event is being used by those in political power to increase their authority, domination, command, and control of the political and legal system, the economy, and civil society over which they reign.
Whether C-19 is a lab-created “bioweapon” or just another way of Nature interacting quite naturally with Humans [or some combination of the two], the COVID-19 Event is being used very effectively ~ as a bioweapon ~ by those who have power and seek to expand that power as much as possible without completely destroying the whole political-economic-social structure and system they now rule.
THAT is what i am talking about.
And, given Your definition of a “conspiracy theory,” and my definition of a “conspiracy”: Would You say the Tonkin Incident in 1964, the Incubator Babies in 1991, and Saddam’s WMDs in 2003 are historical examples of “conspiracy theories,” or of actual, real-world, life and death conspiracies perpetrated by the government of the United States?
The governors are keeping us safe. If the country had adequate testing, the governors wouldn’t have to take such drastic measures.
Trump spent his Easter weekend tweeting #FireFauci
I second what Leia said earlier. Even after restrictions are lifted, most people are going to be cautious about resuming normal life.
Seconded, Former Republican. Trump’s lack of preparedness is why we’re in this mess.
Pragmatic – Totally second that. I think that’s how it’s going to be for quite some time.
Biden’s plan is the right thing to do.
He keeps talking about “incubator babies in Kuwait”. None of us have ever heard of such a thing.
1964 – Most of us here were teenagers and weren’t paying as much attention to politics at that time. Others here weren’t born yet.
1991 – As Rational Lefty said, none of us have ever heard about that.
2003 – That we agree with you. The Bush administration lied about the WMDs.
Breaking news: Sanders is endorsing Biden.
The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah’s last name was al-á¹¢abaḥ (Arabic: نيرة الصباØ‎) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign, which was run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah’s testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.
Everyone is correct. The key to reopening the country is ramping up testing.
And Bernie has made the right move.
And if You don’t know about the Incubator Babies, You probably also don’t know about the meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie a few days before he attacked Kuwait, when she effectively gave him the US’s green light to proceed with his planned invasion:
Saddam Hussein – If we could keep the whole of the Shatt al Arab – our strategic goal in our war with Iran – we will make concessions (to the Kuwaitis). But, if we are forced to choose between keeping half of the Shatt and the whole of Iraq (i.e., in Saddam s view, including Kuwait ) then we will give up all of the Shatt to defend our claims on Kuwait to keep the whole of Iraq in the shape we wish it to be. (pause) What is the United States’ opinion on this?
U.S. Ambassador Glaspie – We have no opinion on your Arab – Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary (of State James) Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960’s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America. (Saddam smiles)
Pragmatic Progressive: “1964 – Most of us here were teenagers and weren’t paying as much attention to politics at that time. Others here weren’t born yet.”
So that is justification for not knowing today ~ 56 years later ~ about the Lie that paved the way for LBJ’s War on Viet Nam?
Wow. That explains a lot of things very, very clearly.
Information about the Gulf War of 1991.
Thanks for that, Former Republican.
Trump is still claiming that only he can reopen the government. He clearly doesn’t understand how our government works.
Exactly. The 10th amendment gives state governments the power to enact a quarantine.
The modeling in VA shows a mixed bag.
The good news from University of Virginia experts is that efforts to combat the coronavirus thus far indicate that the growth rate for new cases is not just slowing but leveling off almost entirely.
The bad news, though, is that even if those efforts continue successfully for the length of Gov. Ralph Northam’s stay-at-home order, which currently expires June 10, the state will see a summer spike in cases that does not peak until August.
And that’s exactly why not all states are going to reopen on May 1.
Oh, boy! Trump is having a meltdown at his virus briefing today!
Biden won Wisconsin.
Trump used the virus briefing today to air a campaign-style video, denying his lack of preparation, attacking the media. Sickening!
Kudos to MSNBC for cutting away from Trump’s Soviet style propaganda film.
Trump is unraveling before our eyes and becoming even more manic than before (if that’s even possible). Networks: PLEASE STOP AIRING THESE “Trump rallies”. I stopped watching them weeks ago, they are disgusting. You are enabling him, PLEASE UNPLUG HIM.
Totally in agreement, Southern Liberal!
Trump is insane. Dangerously so. As a clear and present danger to the nation and to our Constitution, he is betraying his oath of office and should be removed ASAP by any appropriate means. By repeatedly declaring that he has “absolute authority,†he is in essence trying to declare himself to be a dictator. That is treasonous and a crime worthy of capital punishment upon conviction.
Former Republican, could not agree more, and Trump must be removed, and it is time for Mike Pence to take action with the Cabinet!
Pence is just an empty-suit. He and the Cabinet won’t do nothing. It’s up to us voters to get rid of Trump.
That assumes, of course, that voters will have a chance to do anything this fall.
Trump is not the only politician [bureaucratic, law enforcement officer or official, judge, etc] in America with aspirations to being a dictator or a functionary of one. They are all over the place.
And, there are all kinds of folks who would be perfectly comfortable with a dictatorship; as long as it’s their guy or gal who is the dictator. and they get to take part in the pillage and plunder.
60 years of Congress doing absolutely nothing to reign in Presidential power has brought us to this moment. And now the bills are starting to come due.
Trump can’t cancel the general election. Only Congress can do that.
If martial law is declared, Congress will have nothing to say about it.
And given that 60-year history referred to above, it is very likely that Congress might just go along with it even if they did have something to say.
Correct, Rustbelt.
Nope. The article says that martial law does not suspend the Constitution, as the Supreme Court said in ex parte Milligan (1866).
That would depend entirely upon whether or not the people running the martial law pay any attention to or even care about what the Constitution says about anything ~ let alone some election ~ doesn’t it?
And Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 2 (1866), said nothing about “martial law not suspending the Constitution.” It had specifically to do with military tribunal trials of civilians.
“[It] was a U.S. Supreme Court case that ruled the application of military tribunals to citizens when civilian courts are still operating is unconstitutional. In this particular case, the Court was unwilling to give President Abraham Lincoln’s administration the power of military commission jurisdiction, part of the administration’s controversial plan to deal with Union dissenters during the American Civil War. Justice David Davis, who delivered the majority opinion, stated that “martial rule can never exist when the courts are open” and confined martial law to areas of “military operations, where war really prevails”, and when it was a necessity to provide a substitute for a civil authority that had been overthrown. Chief Justice Chase and three associate justices filed a separate opinion concurring with the majority in the judgment, but asserted that Congress had the power to authorize a military commission, although it had not done so in Milligan’s case. []
Correct again, Rustbelt.
I trust news and law experts over anything and everything you have to say.
Martial law will not happen, Jeffrey, and Congress would prevent it, as only if both houses, in theory, agreed, could it happen.
Nancy Pelosi will prevent it, and I am certain enough Republican Senators would abandon the majority and oppose it as well!
And well You should.
The question isn’t whether or not the Constitution is suspended during martial law. The question is whether or not the people who are running, executing, and enforcing that martial law give two flips about what the Constitution [or “news and law experts”] says about anything. Especially an election.
If you mean Bill Barr, he will be put in cuffs and chains if he tried to promote martial law, and the Secret Service would act promptly, as they protect the government leaders, including the Speaker, and would never support such a coup!
RF: Martial law will not happen, Jeffrey, and Congress would prevent it, as only if both houses, in theory, agreed, could it happen. Nancy Pelosi will prevent it, and I am certain enough Republican Senators would abandon the majority and oppose it as well!
“As only if both houses, in theory, agreed, could it happen,” eh?
First of all: Where does it say anything in the Constitution about the role of Congress in the declaration of martial law? You might find the following interesting:
And second of all: What is Your basis for assuming that Congress COULD prevent it if the proper combination of military, law enforcement, intelligence, surveillance, and Fatherland security folks got together and decided to make it happen?
We’re not just talking Billy Barr here, Doc. This goes far, far beyond just the DOJ.
Jeffrey, you go ahead and be the Chicken Little running around in circles without a head, and being hysterical!
I am sure the scenario you present will never occur!
Well, Ronald, for All our sakes, i hope that what i am not is a Cassandra. For, tho ignored, every one of Her prophecies came true.
Jeffrey, if what you say occurs, you will be a ROCK STAR! LOL! HAHAHA!
Ronald, if what i say occurs, there ain’t gonna no f[explitive deleted]ing “ROCK STARS,” i can assure You.
Jeffrey, you are hilarious! LOL
Glad You’re amused, Doc. i enjoy making people laugh.
Jeffrey, have you done stand up comedy? LOL
I think you might keep people happy up there in Southeast Alaska.
I have been there on a cruise in 2010, in Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka, and recall, in Juneau, a Sarah Palin Store, just Sarah, haha! I went in, looked around, but bought nothing.
Sarah was and is the biggest waste politically ever, and I consider her an example of true white “trash”, the kind of people who love Trump!
So You’ve been to and thru SouthEast Alaska via cruise ship, eh?
Neat. You then have first-hand, up close, and personal experience with just how beautiful it is. When You’re here long enough, You begin to see how magical ~ if not almost mythical ~ it is.
You wrote: ” Sarah was and is the biggest waste politically ever, and I consider her an example of true white “trashâ€, the kind of people who love Trump!”
Heh. Yeah; Sarah was and is a piece of change; just the sort of people Hillary was talking about when she referred to all them “deplorables.” Didn’t get her a lot of votes up here in Alaska [she got 36.6% to Trump’s 51.3%], i tell Ya. [Libertarians got 5.9 to the Greens’ 1.8%, who got less than Write Ins with their 2.9%].
i remember wondering when the Republicans ran McCain-Palin in 2008 if that wasn’t but a clear indication that the “8-On/8-Off Rule” about who sits in the Oval Office after eight years of Cheney/Bush the Lesser was in effect. And on Election nite, musing that It’s almost like Obama’s overwhelming victory happened exactly as it was planned.